marcelo-mason / PreciousStones

Self-service protection for Minecraft servers
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Server Hang loading plugin #1086

Open adamwbb opened 7 years ago

adamwbb commented 7 years ago

here is the log output on initial startup:

28.07 23:11:55 [Server] INFO Enabling PreciousStones v10.5.3 28.07 23:11:55 [Server] INFO Version 10.5.3 loaded 28.07 23:11:55 [Server] INFO MySQL Connection successful 28.07 23:11:55 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_cuboids 28.07 23:11:55 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_fields 28.07 23:11:55 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_unbreakables 28.07 23:11:55 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_grief_undo 28.07 23:11:55 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_translocations 28.07 23:11:55 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_storedblocks 28.07 23:11:55 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_players 28.07 23:11:55 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_snitches 28.07 23:11:56 [Server] INFO Added new indexes to database 28.07 23:11:56 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_purchase_payments 28.07 23:11:56 [Server] ERROR Error at SQL Query: Duplicate key name 'key_grief_locs' 28.07 23:11:56 [Server] ERROR Error at SQL Query: Duplicate key name 'indx_field_owner' 28.07 23:11:56 [Server] ERROR Error at SQL Query: Duplicate key name 'unq_uuid' 28.07 23:11:56 [Server] ERROR Error at SQL Query: Duplicate key name 'inx_player_name' 28.07 23:11:56 [Server] ERROR Error at SQL Query: Duplicate key name 'indx_cuboids_owner' 28.07 23:11:56 [Server] ERROR Error at SQL Query: Duplicate key name 'indx_cuboids_parent' 28.07 23:11:56 [Server] ERROR Error at SQL Query: Duplicate key name 'indx_unbreakables_owner' 28.07 23:11:56 [Server] ERROR Error at SQL Query: Duplicate key name 'indx_storedblocks_1' 28.07 23:11:56 [Server] ERROR Error at SQL Query: Duplicate key name 'indx_storedblocks_2' 28.07 23:11:56 [Server] INFO Added new indexes to database

and it hangs there until server process is killed

the same issue happens too when using sqlite

when reloading the server you get this output

28.07 23:14:42 [Server] INFO Preparing start region for level 2 (Seed: 7826167578441289788) 28.07 23:14:43 [Server] INFO Enabling PreciousStones v10.5.3 28.07 23:14:43 [Server] INFO Version 10.5.3 loaded 28.07 23:14:44 [Server] INFO MySQL Connection successful

running version 10.5.3 on spigot 1.12

adamwbb commented 7 years ago

here is the output when it hangs when using sqlite: 28.07 23:38:35 [Server] INFO Version 10.5.3 loaded 28.07 23:38:35 [Server] INFO SQLite Connection successful 28.07 23:38:35 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_cuboids 28.07 23:38:35 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_fields 28.07 23:38:35 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_unbreakables 28.07 23:38:35 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_grief_undo 28.07 23:38:35 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_translocations 28.07 23:38:35 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_storedblocks 28.07 23:38:36 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_players 28.07 23:38:36 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_snitches 28.07 23:38:37 [Server] INFO Added new indexes to database 28.07 23:38:37 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_purchase_payments 28.07 23:38:37 [Server] INFO Added new indexes to database

sqlite on restart of sevrer: 28.07 23:40:35 [Server] INFO Enabling PreciousStones v10.5.3 28.07 23:40:35 [Server] INFO Version 10.5.3 loaded 28.07 23:40:35 [Server] INFO SQLite Connection successful

adamwbb commented 7 years ago

after having it sit for an hour i get this output:

9.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN java.lang.NullPointerException
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PacketStatusListener.a(
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PacketStatusInStart.a(SourceFile:23)
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.PacketStatusInStart.a(SourceFile:8)
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.NetworkManager.a(
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.NetworkManager.channelRead0(
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.NetworkManager.channelRead0(
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.fireChannelRead(
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.channelRead(
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.fireChannelRead(
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at io.netty.handler.codec.ByteToMessageDecoder.channelRead(
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.LegacyPingHandler.channelRead(SourceFile:94)
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at io.netty.handler.timeout.IdleStateHandler.channelRead(
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at
29.07 00:15:23 [Server] WARN at$HeadContext.channelRead(
adamwbb commented 7 years ago

debug mode on:

30.07 00:39:37 [Server] INFO Enabling PreciousStones v10.5.3
30.07 00:39:37 [Server] INFO Version 10.5.3 loaded
30.07 00:39:37 [Server] INFO SQLite Connection successful
30.07 00:39:37 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_cuboids
30.07 00:39:37 [Server] INFO CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pstone_cuboids` (  `id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,  `parent` bigint(20) NOT NULL, `x` int(11) default NULL,  `y` int(11) default NULL, `z` int(11) default NULL,  `world` varchar(25) default NULL,  `minx` int(11) default NULL,  `maxx` int(11) default NULL,  `miny` int(11) default NULL,  `maxy` int(11) default NULL,  `minz` int(11) default NULL,  `maxz` int(11) default NULL,  `velocity` float default NULL,  `type_id` int(11) default NULL,  `data` tinyint default 0, `owner` varchar(16) NOT NULL,  `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,  `packed_allowed` text NOT NULL, `last_used` bigint(20) Default NULL, `flags` TEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE (`x`,`y`,`z`,`world`));
30.07 00:39:37 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_fields
30.07 00:39:37 [Server] INFO CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pstone_fields` (  `id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `x` int(11) default NULL,  `y` int(11) default NULL, `z` int(11) default NULL,  `world` varchar(25) default NULL,  `radius` int(11) default NULL,  `height` int(11) default NULL,  `velocity` float default NULL,  `type_id` int(11) default NULL,  `data` tinyint default 0, `owner` varchar(16) NOT NULL,  `name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,  `packed_allowed` text NOT NULL, `last_used` bigint(20) Default NULL, `flags` TEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE (`x`,`y`,`z`,`world`));
30.07 00:39:38 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_unbreakables
30.07 00:39:38 [Server] INFO CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pstone_unbreakables` (  `id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `x` int(11) default NULL,  `y` int(11) default NULL,  `z` int(11) default NULL,  `world` varchar(25) default NULL,  `owner` varchar(16) NOT NULL,  `type_id` int(11) default NULL,`data` tinyint default 0, UNIQUE (`x`,`y`,`z`,`world`));
30.07 00:39:38 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_grief_undo
30.07 00:39:38 [Server] INFO CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pstone_grief_undo` (  `id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,  `date_griefed` bigint(20), `field_x` int(11) default NULL,  `field_y` int(11) default NULL, `field_z` int(11) default NULL, `world` varchar(25) NOT NULL, `x` int(11) default NULL,  `y` int(11) default NULL, `z` int(11) default NULL, `type_id` int(11) NOT NULL,  `data` TINYINT NOT NULL,  `sign_text` varchar(75) NOT NULL);
30.07 00:39:38 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_translocations
30.07 00:39:38 [Server] INFO CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pstone_translocations` (  `id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,  `name` varchar(36) NOT NULL, `player_name` varchar(16) NOT NULL,  `minx` int(11) default NULL,  `maxx` int(11) default NULL, `miny` int(11) default NULL,  `maxy` int(11) default NULL,  `minz` int(11) default NULL,  `maxz` int(11) default NULL, UNIQUE (`name`,`player_name`));
30.07 00:39:38 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_storedblocks
30.07 00:39:38 [Server] INFO CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pstone_storedblocks` (  `id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,  `name` varchar(36) NOT NULL, `player_name` varchar(16) NOT NULL,  `x` int(11) default NULL,  `y` int(11) default NULL, `z` int(11) default NULL, `world` varchar(25) NOT NULL, `type_id` int(11) NOT NULL, `data` TINYINT NOT NULL, `sign_text` varchar(75) NOT NULL, `applied` bit default 0, `contents` TEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE (`x`,`y`,`z`,`world`));
30.07 00:39:38 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_players
30.07 00:39:38 [Server] INFO CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pstone_players` ( `id` bigint(20), `uuid` varchar(255) default NULL, `player_name` varchar(16) NOT NULL, `last_seen` bigint(20) default NULL, flags TEXT default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`player_name`));
30.07 00:39:38 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_snitches
30.07 00:39:38 [Server] INFO CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pstone_snitches` ( `id` bigint(20), `x` int(11) default NULL,  `y` int(11) default NULL, `z` int(11) default NULL,  `world` varchar(25) default NULL, `name` varchar(16) NOT NULL, `reason` varchar(20) default NULL, `details` varchar(50) default NULL, `count` int(11) default NULL, `date` varchar(25) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY  (`x`, `y`, `z`, `world`, `name`, `reason`, `details`));
30.07 00:39:38 [Server] INFO CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `indx_field_owner` ON `pstone_fields` (`owner`);
30.07 00:39:38 [Server] INFO CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `indx_players_uuid` ON `pstone_players` (`uuid`);
30.07 00:39:39 [Server] INFO CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `indx_player_name` ON `pstone_players` (`player_name`);
30.07 00:39:39 [Server] INFO CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `indx_cuboids_owner` ON `pstone_cuboids` (`owner`);
30.07 00:39:39 [Server] INFO CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `indx_cuboids_parent` ON `pstone_cuboids` (`parent`);
30.07 00:39:39 [Server] INFO CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `indx_unbreakables_owner` ON `pstone_unbreakables` (`owner`);
30.07 00:39:39 [Server] INFO Added new indexes to database
30.07 00:39:39 [Server] INFO Creating table: pstone_purchase_payments
30.07 00:39:39 [Server] INFO CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `pstone_purchase_payments` ( `id` bigint(20), `buyer` varchar(16) default NULL, `owner` varchar(16) NOT NULL, `item` varchar(20) default NULL,  `amount` int(11) default NULL, `fieldName` varchar(255) default NULL, `coords` varchar(255) default NULL);
30.07 00:39:39 [Server] INFO CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `indx_field_owner` ON `pstone_fields` (`owner`);
30.07 00:39:39 [Server] INFO CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `indx_players_uuid` ON `pstone_players` (`uuid`);
30.07 00:39:39 [Server] INFO CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `indx_player_name` ON `pstone_players` (`player_name`);
30.07 00:39:39 [Server] INFO CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `indx_cuboids_owner` ON `pstone_cuboids` (`owner`);
30.07 00:39:39 [Server] INFO CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `indx_cuboids_parent` ON `pstone_cuboids` (`parent`);
30.07 00:39:39 [Server] INFO CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS `indx_unbreakables_owner` ON `pstone_unbreakables` (`owner`);
30.07 00:39:39 [Server] INFO Added new indexes to database
30.07 00:39:39 [Server] INFO finalizing queue
30.07 00:39:39 [Server] INFO clearing fields from memory
adamwbb commented 7 years ago


adamwbb commented 7 years ago

I have tried this on 6 different machines

all same results.

i have tried windows, debian, fedora, centos

marcelo-mason commented 7 years ago

have you changed settings.version on the config by any chance? Should be 14.

Coldene commented 7 years ago

"when reloading the server you get this output"

There is a tiny chance you have alot of heavy duty plugins and are at the crazy knife edge scary abyss of not enough ram? Daring to /reload in game with the above is just scary...

Try poke at copies of the glitchy .db with or something till you fix what appears to be ERROR Error at SQL Query: Duplicate key name