marceloavf / github-tools-vsts

📦:octocat:🚀 Create and modify GitHub Releases in Azure DevOps Build and Release Management
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Tag needs to support variables #33

Closed atrauzzi closed 5 years ago

atrauzzi commented 5 years ago


I have my own version that I generate during builds. That version number needs to be the value I use for my tag when I reach out to source control. I don't have a package.json and I don't want it prepended with a v.

marceloavf commented 5 years ago

Hey @atrauzzi, thanks for the feedback.

Do you create this VERSION variable with another task or it is set in variables tab ? It is strange since this input do support build variable, which in the case are the same thing.

atrauzzi commented 5 years ago

I use the ##vso... syntax to feed variables back to my builds. VSTS doesn't offer any clean way to create and pass semver values along.

So, I have that variable available as $(VERSION) by the time your plugin runs, but it doesn't seem to work. I just ended up with a version called $(VERSION), lol.

marceloavf commented 5 years ago

I just created a test build with powershell task that create variable the same way you said

Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=VersionNumber;]1.0.0"

Then I included it in the GitHub Release task


After finishing the build it set the same version in the release that I created 😞


Could you provide more information about something you are doing differently ?

marceloavf commented 5 years ago

Any update on this @atrauzzi ?