marcelog / Ding

DI ( Dependency Injection: Setter, Constructor, Method), AOP ( Aspect Oriented Programming ), Events support, xml, yaml, and annotations (including some JSR 250 and JSR 330, like @Configuration and @Bean ala java configuration) , lightweight, simple, and quick MVC ( Model View Controller ), syslog, tcp client and server, with non blocking sockets, custom error, signal, and exception handling through events. Needs PHP 5.3, very similar to seasar, spring ( java ) . Can be deployed as a PHAR file.
Apache License 2.0
121 stars 26 forks source link

ReflectionException in PHP 5.3.5 #97

Closed jonathaningram closed 13 years ago

jonathaningram commented 13 years ago

When I try and use my app on linux, with PHP 5.3.5, I have this exception:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ReflectionException' with message 'Class Dao_Db_CompanyDao does not exist' in /opt/lampp/htdocs/billy_0.0.2/library/Ding/Reflection/ReflectionFactory.php:243 Stack trace:

0 /opt/lampp/htdocs/billy_0.0.2/library/Ding/Reflection/ReflectionFactory.php(243): ReflectionClass->__construct('Dao_Db_CompanyD...')

1 /opt/lampp/htdocs/billy_0.0.2/library/Ding/Container/Impl/ContainerImpl.php(336): Ding\Reflection\ReflectionFactory::getClass('Dao_Db_CompanyD...')

2 /opt/lampp/htdocs/billy_0.0.2/library/Ding/Container/Impl/ContainerImpl.php(430): Ding\Container\Impl\ContainerImpl->_createBean(Object(Ding\Bean\BeanDefinition))

3 /opt/lampp/htdocs/billy_0.0.2/library/Ding/Bean/Factory/Driver/DependsOnDriver.php(70): Ding\Container\Impl\ContainerImpl->getBean('companyDao')

4 /opt/lampp/htdocs/billy_0.0.2/library/Ding/Container/Impl/ContainerImpl.php(202): Ding\Bean\Factory\Driver\DependsOnDriver->afterDefinition(Object(Ding\Container\Impl\ContainerImpl), Object(Ding\Bean\BeanDefinition))

5 /opt/lamp in /opt/lampp/htdocs/billy_0.0.2/library/Ding/Reflection/ReflectionFactory.php on line 243

I am trying to confirm that it fails with v5.3.5 on Windows too, but what are your thoughts?

marcelog commented 13 years ago

Have you tried the same code on any other version of php or other operating system? Does it work on any other circumstances/environment?

Apparently php does not find the Dao_Db_CompanyDao class. I assume (because of our last talks) that ZF should be autoloading that class, or any autoloader of your own, and this is not happening (from what I can see in the error posted).

Can you confirm is an autoloading issue or maybe show me some example code?

jonathaningram commented 13 years ago

I just confirmed that the code works with PHP 5.3.5 (and the same revision of Reflection) on Windows as well as PHP 5.3.1 - this leads me to believe that during the deployment to my linux box, either the file owner/group/permissions are wrong resulting in Reflection not being able to read the file. When it comes to autoloading I'm not really that good at debugging it - do you have some suggestions to determine if its not possible to autoload this class?

jonathaningram commented 13 years ago

OK I have solved the problem - for anyone that ever reads this or comes across this via a Google Search for Zend Framework cannot find class, read this: in Zend Framework, no matter what OS you are using, name your folders in the same case as the name of the class! If you have a class Dao_Db_X, then put it in the folder Daos/Db/X.php and when setting up a resource autoloader, make sure that you specify the folder name as 'Daos', not 'daos'! Then when you eventually deploy to Linux, it will work.

Sorry about this Marcelo - not really related to Ding was it :)

marcelog commented 13 years ago

Hey jon, good to hear that ;) Thank you for the complete solution. I'll set this as invalid then. pheww ;)