Closed Jarvil closed 2 years ago
Are content, module and resource access three separate things? If so how are they specified?
I'm sorry I must have missed your answer, is this a bug or not?
Ok. Let me see. The query is this:
SELECT userid+(week1000000), userid, firstname, lastname, email, week, number FROM ( SELECT userid, week, COUNT() as number FROM ( SELECT log.userid, objecttable, objectid, FLOOR((((log.timecreated + ?) / 86400) - (?/86400))/7) as week FROM {logstore_standard_log} log WHERE courseid = ? AND action = 'viewed' AND target = 'course_module' AND log.timecreated >= ? AND log.userid $insql GROUP BY userid, week, objecttable, objectid ) as temp GROUP BY userid, week ) as temp2 LEFT JOIN {user} usr ON = temp2.userid ORDER by LOWER(firstname), LOWER(lastname), userid, week
action = 'viewed' AND target = 'course_module' - parameters to select from log table.
So, it is everything that was accessed in the course. They are all the same. It means that you discover something to fix in the context of the interface.
How can I have a student "Moodletuki4 Oppilasrooli4" with yellow triangle with message "no module was access until now" on "Hits distribution" page while he has in "content access" -tab Access percentage of 2.6%.
Also "hits distribution" page shows he has 0 accessed resources.