marceloverdijk / lesscss-maven-plugin

LESS CSS Maven Plugin
170 stars 59 forks source link

Added node executable path to NodeJsLessCompiler constructor #36

Closed mederel closed 10 years ago

mederel commented 11 years ago

Finalizing the addition of the nodeExecutable option ;)

matthughes commented 10 years ago

What's the status of this? I'd love to use. We already require our build server to have node installed, so I'd rather just be able to point to the latest less compiler than have to wait for the Java compiler to be updated.

mederel commented 10 years ago

Hi Matt,

the status is that it is a working lesscss maven plugin with the nodejs installed through another maven plugin (see marcel overdijk's README). Can vouch for it as we use already in my company.

Cheers mate.