marceloverdijk / lesscss-maven-plugin

LESS CSS Maven Plugin
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How I can use @import from classpath? #72

Open SergeiSaraev opened 9 years ago

SergeiSaraev commented 9 years ago


Created a Maven module A, where the source files (less) are collected in sources.jar. Module A is added as a dependency of module B. Tried to import the module A from the module B:

@import "classpath:themes/module-a/styles/main.less";

Get an error like this:

...\moduleB\src\main\less\themes\module-b\styles\main.less [0:0]: Error compiling LESS source Resource ...\moduleB\src\main\less\themes\module-b\styles\classpath:themes\module-a\styles\main.less not found.

How to import less from other modules?

SergeiSaraev commented 9 years ago

Solution with classpath saw here: But not work for lesscss-maven-plugin.

agabrys commented 9 years ago

It will be supported when this (lesscss-java #62) will be done (probably never).