marcelvanherk / Conquest-DICOM-Server

Conquest DICOM server, aiming for complete source code release
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MRI SPECTOCOPY Images not receiving #31

Open arunjoshtech opened 1 year ago

arunjoshtech commented 1 year ago

Conquest server not receiving spectroscopy images send from MRI. is there any special settings in conquest to enable it?

marcelvanherk commented 1 year ago


you need to add the sopclass to dgatesop.lst, and enable jpeg support.


arunjoshtech commented 1 year ago

Hi, I am new to conquest, is it possible to guide it step by step? I am much confused and failed many times.

marcelvanherk commented 1 year ago

Edit dgatesop.lst

Remove at least the # before lines with 1.2.840.1008.1.2.1 and 1.2.840.1008.1.2.2, Look into the DICOM file for SOPClassUID (looks like 1.2.840.10008., and add a line like:

MyMRSpectroscopyStorage 1.2.840.10008. sop

To it. Then restart conquest.


arunjoshtech commented 11 months ago

It was modality side image type issues, since it got resolved. they need to save file as DCOM before they transfer the Spectroscopy Image. Thanks for your reply and support.