marcglasberg / async_redux

Flutter Package: A Redux version tailored for Flutter, which is easy to learn, to use, to test, and has no boilerplate. Allows for both sync and async reducers.
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How to extract part of Actions into separate module (package) #60

Closed jans-y closed 4 years ago

jans-y commented 4 years ago


We are working on two very similar apps sharing a lot of logic and a common backend.

We would like to extract our login screens and corresponding logic (actions) into a package and import it into both apps.

The problem is how to get the app's AppState inside the package logic:

class LoginAction extends ReduxAction<AppState>

The only solution we came up with is to have a separate store inside the package something like LoginState and then use it like this


class LoginAction extends ReduxAction<LoginState>


class AppState {
    LoginState get loginState => loginStore.state;

Thank you.

marcglasberg commented 4 years ago

The state, Actions and Connectors get coupled in AsyncRedux, I don't see a way around it. Maybe there is, but since I have never tried to do what you describe, I couldn't give you an answer without studying the problem in detail, which I can't do right now.

At first glance I don't see a problem on creating a different store for the login sequence, since it's very separate from the rest of the program. If it were not, your approach definitely wouldn't work, since LoginState get loginState => loginStore.state; would act like a mutable state in the eyes of the main store. This means, if your LoginState is changed by your login-store, the main store wouldn't know about this change, and wouldn't rebuild the widgets, for example.

Maybe a better approach is to have the two different stores completely apart. When the login sequence finishes it can call store.setLoginStateAction(loginStore.state) to put the state into the normal store.

Fun fact: When I was first learning about Redux I had a kind of similar question: