marcglasberg / async_redux

Flutter Package: A Redux version tailored for Flutter, which is easy to learn, to use, to test, and has no boilerplate. Allows for both sync and async reducers.
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Calling WaitAction on subclassed State #78

Closed leonardo2204 closed 4 years ago

leonardo2204 commented 4 years ago

Hey @marcglasberg, first of all, thanks for the great work here!

I'm trying to figure out how can I call before/after with WithAction on a subclassed state (

Using the example in the readme, that would be:

class AddTodoAction extends TodoAction {
  final Todo todo;

  void before() => dispatch(WaitAction.add(1));

  void after() => dispatch(WaitAction.remove(1));

  TodoState reduceTodoState() {
    if (todo == null) return null;
    else return List.of(todos)..add(todo);

Doing so I get:

E/flutter (11587): [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: Assertion failed: "The store state is not compatible with WaitAction."
E/flutter (11587): #0      WaitAction._defaultReducer.<anonymous closure> (package:async_redux/src/wait_action.dart:59:11)
E/flutter (11587): #1      WaitAction.reduce (package:async_redux/src/wait_action.dart:107:25)
E/flutter (11587): #2      Store._applyReducer (package:async_redux/src/store.dart:461:25)
E/flutter (11587): #3      Store._processAction (package:async_redux/src/store.dart:435:16)
E/flutter (11587): #4      Store.dispatch (package:async_redux/src/store.dart:373:5)
E/flutter (11587): #5      FetchAllEventSummaries.after (package:app/redux/event_summary/actions/fetch_all_event_summaries.dart:15:27)

Is it possible to make before() and after() dispatch from the right state?

Valeu Marcelo 🇧🇷

marcglasberg commented 4 years ago

Oi Leonardo. Esse erro:

   "The store state is not compatible with WaitAction."

Significa que você não preparou o seu state corretamente. Veja essa explicação:

For this to work, your store state must have a Wait field named wait, and then your state class must have a copy or a copyWith method which copies this field as a named parameter. For example:

class AppState {
  final Wait wait;

  AppState({this.wait, ...});

  AppState copy({Wait wait, ...}) => AppState(wait: wait, ...);

Ou seja, o seu state precisa declarar o campo wait, e também o método copy, tal como mostrado acima. Se você ainda tiver problemas, cole aqui pra mim o código da sua classe AppState.