marchaesen / vcxsrv

Windows X-server based on the xorg git sources (like xming or cygwin's xwin), but compiled with Visual Studio 2012 Community Edition.
GNU General Public License v3.0
358 stars 14 forks source link

failed to remap glCompressedTexSubImage3D followed by segfault #14

Closed mgood7123 closed 4 months ago

mgood7123 commented 4 months ago

after a while we get

winClipboardProc - xcb_connect () returned and successfully opened the display.
Using Composite redirection

failed to remap glCompressedTexSubImage3Dfailed to remap glCompressedTexImage1Dfailed to remap glCompressedTexImage2Dfailed to remap glGetCompressedTexImagefailed to remap glCompressedTexSubImage1Dfailed to remap glCompressedTexSubImage2Dfailed to remap glBlendFuncSeparatefailed to remap glMultTransposeMatrixffailed to remap glLoadTransposeMatrixdfailed to remap glSampleCoveragefailed to remap glMultTransposeMatrixdfailed to remap glCompressedTexImage3Dfailed to remap glFogCoordffailed to remap glMultiDrawArraysfailed to remap glFogCoorddvfailed to remap glFogCoordPointerfailed to remap glMultiDrawElementsEXTfailed to remap glPointParameterfvfailed to remap glPointParameterifailed to remap glPointParameterivfailed to remap glSecondaryColor3bfailed to remap glSecondaryColor3bvfailed to remap glSecondaryColor3dfailed to remap glSecondaryColor3dvfailed to remap glSecondaryColor3ffailed to remap glSecondaryColor3ivfailed to remap glSecondaryColor3sfailed to remap glSecondaryColor3svfailed to remap glSecondaryColor3ubfailed to remap glSecondaryColor3ubvfailed to remap glSecondaryColor3uifailed to remap glSecondaryColor3uivfailed to remap glSecondaryColor3usfailed to remap glSecondaryColor3usvfailed to remap glSecondaryColorPointerfailed to remap glWindowPos2dfailed to remap glWindowPos2dvfailed to remap glWindowPos2ffailed to remap glWindowPos2fvfailed to remap glWindowPos2ifailed to remap glWindowPos2ivfailed to remap glWindowPos2sfailed to remap glWindowPos2svfailed to remap glWindowPos3dfailed to remap glWindowPos3dvfailed to remap glWindowPos3ffailed to remap glWindowPos3fvfailed to remap glWindowPos3ifailed to remap glWindowPos3ivfailed to remap glWindowPos3sfailed to remap glWindowPos3svfailed to remap glBindBufferfailed to remap glEndQueryfailed to remap glBufferDatafailed to remap glBufferSubDatafailed to remap glDeleteBuffersfailed to remap glGenBuffersfailed to remap glIsQueryfailed to remap glGetQueryivfailed to remap glGetBufferParameterivfailed to remap glDeleteQueriesfailed to remap glGetBufferPointervfailed to remap glGetBufferSubDatafailed to remap glIsBufferfailed to remap glGetQueryObjectuivfailed to remap glBlendEquationSeparatefailed to remap glGetQueryObjectivfailed to remap glMapBufferfailed to remap glBeginQueryfailed to remap glUnmapBufferfailed to remap glGenQueriesfailed to remap glBindAttribLocationfailed to remap glCompileShaderfailed to remap glDrawBuffersfailed to remap glCreateProgramfailed to remap glCreateShaderfailed to remap glDeleteProgramfailed to remap glDeleteShaderfailed to remap glDetachShaderfailed to remap glDisableVertexAttribArrayfailed to remap glEnableVertexAttribArrayfailed to remap glStencilFuncSeparatefailed to remap glGetActiveAttribfailed to remap glGetActiveUniformfailed to remap glGetAttachedShadersfailed to remap glGetAttribLocationfailed to remap glGetProgramivfailed to remap glGetShaderivfailed to remap glGetProgramInfoLogfailed to remap glGetShaderSourcefailed to remap glGetUniformLocationfailed to remap glGetShaderInfoLogfailed to remap glGetUniformfvfailed to remap glGetUniformivfailed to remap glGetVertexAttribdvfailed to remap glIsProgramfailed to remap glGetVertexAttribfvfailed to remap glGetVertexAttribivfailed to remap glGetVertexAttribPointervfailed to remap glIsShaderfailed to remap glLinkProgramfailed to remap glShaderSourcefailed to remap glUseProgramfailed to remap glStencilOpSeparatefailed to remap glAttachShaderfailed to remap glStencilMaskSeparatefailed to remap glUniform2ffailed to remap glUniform2fvfailed to remap glUniform2ifailed to remap glUniform2ivfailed to remap glUniform3ffailed to remap glUniform3fvfailed to remap glUniform3ifailed to remap glUniform3ivfailed to remap glUniform4ffailed to remap glUniform4fvfailed to remap glUniform4ifailed to remap glUniform4ivfailed to remap glUniform1ifailed to remap glUniform1ivfailed to remap glUniform1fvfailed to remap glUniformMatrix2fvfailed to remap glUniformMatrix3fvfailed to remap glUniformMatrix4fvfailed to remap glValidateProgramfailed to remap glUniform1ffailed to remap glVertexAttrib1dfailed to remap glVertexAttrib1dvfailed to remap glVertexAttrib1ffailed to remap glVertexAttrib1svfailed to remap glVertexAttrib2dfailed to remap glVertexAttrib2dvfailed to remap glVertexAttrib2ffailed to remap glVertexAttrib2svfailed to remap glVertexAttrib3dfailed to remap glVertexAttrib3dvfailed to remap glVertexAttrib3ffailed to remap glVertexAttrib3svfailed to remap glVertexAttrib4Nbvfailed to remap glVertexAttrib4Nivfailed to remap glVertexAttrib4Nsvfailed to remap glVertexAttrib4Nubfailed to remap glVertexAttrib4Nubvfailed to remap glVertexAttrib4Nuivfailed to remap glVertexAttrib4Nusvfailed to remap glVertexAttrib4bvfailed to remap glVertexAttrib4dfailed to remap glVertexAttrib4dvfailed to remap glVertexAttrib4ffailed to remap glVertexAttrib4sfailed to remap glVertexAttrib4svfailed to remap glVertexAttrib4ubvfailed to remap glVertexAttrib4uivfailed to remap glVertexAttrib4usvfailed to remap glVertexAttribPointerfailed to remap glUniformMatrix2x3fvfailed to remap glUniformMatrix3x2fvfailed to remap glUniformMatrix4x2fvfailed to remap glUniformMatrix2x4fvSegmentation fault

i dont know why