marcingminski / sqlwatch

SQL Server Performance Monitor
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Enabled Page Compression by Default #473

Closed marcingminski closed 1 year ago

marcingminski commented 1 year ago

When data compression is enabled post-deployment, the next DACPAC deployment will remove compression unless manual overrides are specified. This complicates deployments in large environments or in cases where the SQLWATCH database is large. From now on, all logger tables are now compressed by default. (If you have no compression enabled and are upgrading to this version, the upgrade can take a while whilst logger data is compressed)

Drewster727 commented 11 months ago

@marcingminski I am using the following command to install on SQL Server 2017 Standard

Install-DbaSqlWatch -SqlInstance MyInstance -Database SQLWATCH


Error SQL72014: Framework Microsoft SqlClient Data Provider: Msg 7738, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 Cannot enable
compression for object 'sqlwatch_logger_agent_job_history'. Only SQL Server Enterprise Edition supports compression.
Error SQL72045: Script execution error.  The executed script:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[sqlwatch_logger_agent_job_history] (
    [sql_instance]              VARCHAR (32)  NOT NULL,
    [sqlwatch_job_id]           SMALLINT      NOT NULL,
    [sqlwatch_job_step_id]      INT           NOT NULL,
    [sysjobhistory_instance_id] INT           NOT NULL,
    [sysjobhistory_step_id]     INT           NOT NULL,
    [run_duration_s]            REAL          NOT NULL,
    [run_date]                  DATETIME      NOT NULL,
    [run_status]                TINYINT       NOT NULL,
    [snapshot_time]             DATETIME2 (0) NOT NULL,
    [snapshot_type_id]          TINYINT       NOT NULL,
    [run_date_utc]              DATETIME      NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT [pk_sqlwatch_logger_agent_job_history] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([sql_instance] ASC, [snapshot_time] ASC,
[sqlwatch_job_id] ASC, [sqlwatch_job_step_id] ASC, [sysjobhistory_instance_id] ASC, [snapshot_type_id] ASC) WITH

I think it's related to this PR. Happy to open an issue.