marcisme / sketch-preview

Sketch plugin to preview mockups in Skala Preview
MIT License
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Plugin doesn't work with 2 windows opened in 3.4 #25

Closed wilsoniwano closed 8 years ago

wilsoniwano commented 8 years ago


This great plugin doesn't work when I have two Sketch windows opened in 3.4 version.


marcisme commented 8 years ago

Thanks for reporting this issue.

Is it still a problem after closing and re-opening Sketch?

I have noticed that the plugin will sometimes stop working after changing the settings, but it works again after Sketch is re-launched. I'm still trying to figure out what the root problem is, but this may be the issue you are seeing. There will likely be a message in similar to the one below if this is the problem.

10/27/15 8:19:20.991 PM Preview (Sketch Plugin)[54716]: Caught script exception: *** -[__NSArrayM objectAtIndex:]: index 311 beyond bounds [0 .. 128]
nitrada commented 8 years ago

@marcisme for me, the plugin sometimes stops working after changing the settings. but … actually all plugins stop working :)

(restarting solves it)

nvasconcelos commented 8 years ago

I'm also having the same problem on Sketch 3.4:

This is the log: 10/29/15 16:46:36.019 Preview (Sketch Plugin)[3003]: Caught script exception: *\ -[__NSArrayM objectAtIndex:]: index 311 beyond bounds [0 .. 128]

marcisme commented 8 years ago

That's definitely the error I'm seeing. My best guess at this point is the Cocoascript pre-processor is somehow getting disabled, which would cause some of the shared code to no longer load. If that's the case, I may be able to inline the imported code as a temporary fix, but I'm still looking into it.

I'm really busy this week, but I'm going to make time to dig into this over the weekend. Thanks for your patience.

marcisme commented 8 years ago

I think this was a Sketch issue. There was a mention of a bug that affected plugins in the developer mailing list, and everything seems to work again in the latest beta.

If you can, give Sketch 3.4.1 (15680) a try, and let me know if there are still issues.

leomondays commented 8 years ago

Just to add some information to this thread: when I try to preview an artboard that height is superior to 1300, I got nothing but a black screen. I'm using Scala with 3x scale. Before this last Sketch update everything was working perfectly fine. :\

leomondays commented 8 years ago

Updating the information: I've tested this Sketch 3.4.1 (15680) version and the problem still occurs. When I have an artboard with a large height I got the black screen for the 3x scale in Preview Settings. For example: a preview of an artboard with height of 640 is fine. But for an artboard height of 1755 the preview goes all black. Any ideas?

marcisme commented 8 years ago

@leomondays I just tried this, and it's working for me. I used the Desktop HD artboard template and changed the dimensions to 1500 x 1755. I tried with the bare template with a colored background and also with a rectangle.

If you export the artboard manually, does that image look okay? Can you create a new, simpler Sketch document and try to reproduce with that? The Sketch document format has changed over time, so if it's an older document, that could be a factor too.

marcisme commented 8 years ago

These issues should be fixed in 3.4.2. Let me know if that's not the case.