marcmerlin / AnimatedGIFs

Animated GIFs on Teensy, ESP8266, ESP32 on top of FastLED::NeoMatrix, SmartMatrix::GFX, and SmartMatrix, using Sdcard, SPIFFS, and FatFS (FFAT)
MIT License
68 stars 12 forks source link

[Goodies: new animated gifs] #16

Closed GraspGG closed 7 months ago

GraspGG commented 8 months ago

If you don't mind, i would add the one or the other self made animated gif 64 x 64 px over time using this "issue", starting with these two...

FloppyFlash 5 1/4" Floppy Disk > morphing into 3 1/2" Floppy Disk > morphing into SD Card

BatterieG Empty Battery > Power Sign > Battery 25% green > Battery 50% green > 75% > 100 % > Power Sign disappears kind of "THANK YOU" for this repo, which saved me some hours lifetime 💯

Merry Christmas everyone!

P.S. If there is acertain place to "drop" new or additional gifs, please let me know

===================== EDIT reason: New gifs

Network-wireless Wireless Network Signal strength: 100% > 75% > 50% > 25% > 0% >>>

weather-day Weather Indicators Day: • with Sun - Clear > few Clouds > Clouds > scattered Showers > Showers > Snow > Storm • no Sun - Mist > Many Clouds > Snow Rain > Hail > Severe Alert

weather-night Weather Indicators Night: • with Moon - Clear > few Clouds > Clouds > scattered Showers > Showers > Snow > Storm • no Moon - Mist > Many Clouds > Snow Rain > Hail > Severe Alert

marcmerlin commented 7 months ago

I added a few to the main branch, thanks