marcmerlin / ArduinoOnPc-FastLED-GFX-LEDMatrix

Run code for SmartMatrix, Adafruit-GFX-Library, FastLED (2D), and LEDMatrix on linux/Raspberry Pi with X11, SDL, or on top of RGBPanels
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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A way to simulate GPIO input (pressed button) ? #8

Closed Lecrapouille closed 2 years ago

Lecrapouille commented 2 years ago

How to simulate this kind of code ?

bool bp_on;
void setup() {
  pinMode(3, INPUT);

void loop() {
  bp_on = digitalRead(3);

Currently, it just displays:

pinMode pin 3 set to : INPU
pinMode pin 4 set to : INPU

But no interaction possible to simulate button pressed.

By the way, typo at should be INPUT (no INPU).

Full ino code:

bool bp_on;                  // variable associee au bouton poussoire on
bool bp_off;                 // variable associee au bouton poussoire off
enum Etat { MARCHE, ARRET }; // Declaration des etats possibles
Etat etatCourant;            // variable associee à l'etat courant

void setup()
    pinMode(3, INPUT);    // La pin 3 est definie comme une entree (bouton poussoire)
    pinMode(4, INPUT);    // La pin 4 est definie comme une entree (bouton poussoire)
    etatCourant = MARCHE; // Etat initial

void loop()
    // Mise a jour des entrees
    bp_on = digitalRead(3);
    bp_off = digitalRead(4);

    // Gestion de l'evolution des etats
    switch (etatCourant)
    case MARCHE:
        // Action etat Marche

        // Transition vers l'etat ARRET
        if (bp_off) {
            etatCourant = ARRET;

    case ARRET :
        // Action etat Arret

        //Transition vers l'etat MARCHE
        if (bp_on) {
            etatCourant = MARCHE;
marcmerlin commented 2 years ago

Good question, this part of the code I did not write and I don't use, it was forked from I suggest you ask file the issue in , sorry that I can't help with this