marco-bolo / eov-catalogue

The catalogue for MBO datasets intended as EOV contribution
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Specify how ODIS-Arch / BioEco Portal interfacing / data flow works #1

Open pbuttigieg opened 9 months ago

pbuttigieg commented 9 months ago

@pieterprovoost from our GOOS BioEco Meeting

We'll need to specify how MBO assets pushed to ODIS are harvested into BioEco , or vice versa. Particularly for registering sources / networks / communities of EOV data - is that an ODISCat registration or BioEco Portal registration? ODIS can make this point less critical if these systems interoperate, but ideally they should be able to be aware of each other's holdings either bilaterally or through the OIH Graph.

pieterprovoost commented 9 months ago

I assume ODISCat because that means BioEco only has to connect to a single endpoint in order to cast a very wide net.