marco402 / plugin-Rtl433-for-SdrSharp

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Unable to resend the file by sdr #12

Open ashegh8 opened 1 month ago

ashegh8 commented 1 month ago

How can I resend the files that have been saved with the name cu8? I wanted to do this through the rpitx program, but it only supports files with the .iq extension I also used the cu8 to wave solution, but I didn't get an answer Is there a solution to convert cu8 to iq extension? Or the software you wrote can save with iq extension instead of cu8 extension?

marco402 commented 1 month ago

Hi ashgh8 You have the explanations on my wix site: ( chapter 6 recording. Contact me if it's not clear or if there is any information or a function missing. Marc

ashegh8 commented 1 month ago

Thank you for answering me, but I read the address you sent and I did not find what I wanted. My request is that it should be saved with iq extension instead of cu8 extension. I can send the signals with the iq extension through the Raspberry Pi and the rpitx software, but no matter how hard I tried, I could not send the signals recorded with your software and the cu8 extension, even when I converted it to the wave extension, which you put this feature in your software. Is it possible for you to guide me how to send the signals recorded by the software you made through Raspberry Pi and rpitx software or at least introduce me a solution to send them in Raspberry Pi?

marco402 commented 1 month ago

According to the RTL_433 programmer, the . CU8 are compatible > Have you saved the .cu8 with the -s option, or with the graph window? It's better to go through the -s option, you can select the device you are interested in the list (launch the plugin a first time to update it) then you check on -SKnown and then check on Show select. The name of the saved file should be displayed in the console at the bottom of the plugin.

marco402 commented 1 month ago

I don't know rpitx, I don't know if these tests are suitable for you but have you tried with the wave files, in the source of rpit I see that tests 4-5 and 6 read wav files?

marco402 commented 1 month ago

I'm looking at rpitx, to be sure, you tested well with sendiq and the -t u8 option

ashegh8 commented 1 month ago

I'm looking at rpitx, to be sure, you tested well with sendiq and the -t u8 option

How can I send the signal with the .cu8 extension using the instructions you gave?

marco402 commented 1 month ago

Have you tried sendIQ at ?

sendiq -i filename.u8 -s 250000 -t u8 -f 434000000

ashegh8 commented 1 month ago

Have you tried sendIQ at ?

sendiq -i filename.u8 -s 250000 -t u8 -f 434000000

My signal file is cu8 But in the example you wrote, filename.u8 refers to u8 Are they different? Can I send the signal with this extension cu8? Because the files recorded with this plugin have this extension and not the u8 extension

marco402 commented 1 month ago

The file extension is not tested, so it doesn't matter.