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Missing Words #71

Closed Tex2002ans closed 8 months ago

Tex2002ans commented 8 months ago





Galician Galicians

Nantucketer Nantucketers

Side Note on Demonyms

These last 2 are known as a "demonym".

Typically this is when you ask the question:

There are a ton of these for countries/states/cities. Here is a list of a few:

I first stumbled across this term while working on a mod for a game (Europa Universalis IV). The entire globe is split into ~4000+ named sections/counties/states, and sometimes random events would trigger or rebels would rise up from certain areas... so they were called:

so you needed all forms to be used correctly depending on where they landed in sentences.

Most demonyms follow common suffix rules... For example:

but then there are rare oddities, like:

Side Note: Last time I researched these in-depth, some of the extremely rare ones only appeared on Wikipedia, with real-life usage near-zero—especially when dealing with Native American tribes and things like that. So the older and more obscure/small you go, those definitely need double-/triple-checking. Do not just trust what Wikipedia lists.

demonkind demonkind's



monocarp monocarps monocarpic





trepanger trepangers




rakehell rakehells rakehelly

nappier nappiest


capturable uncapturable

mistitle mistitled mistitles mistitling


Definitions of Rarer Words

New Century Dictionary, Volume 2 (1904)

demonifuge n.

A charm or protection against demons.

demonist, n.

A believer in or worshiper of demons.

New Century Dictionary, Volume 5 (1904)

monocarpous, a.

In botany: (a) Producing fruit but once in its life: said of annual plants. (b) Noting a flower in which the gynœcium forms only a single ovary, whether simple or compound.

New Century Dictionary, Volume 6 (1904)

rakehell, a. and n.

[A corruption of rakel, simulating rake1, v., + obj. hell, as if one so bad as to be found only by raking hell, or one so reckless as to rake hell (in double allusion to the “harrowing of hell”: see harrow2 and harrow1): see rakel, and cf. to rake hell, under rake1, v.]

I. a. Dissolute; base; profligate.

And farre away, amid their rakehell bands, They spide a Lady left all succourlesse. Spenser, F. Q., V. xi. 44.

II. n. An abandoned fellow; a wicked wretch; especially, a dissolute fellow; a rake.

A rakehell of the town, whose character is set off with no other accomplishment but excessive prodigality, profaneness, intemperance, and lust, is rewarded with a lady of great fortune to repair his own, which his vices had almost ruined. Swift, Against Abolishing Christianity.

rakehelly, a.

Like or characteristic of a rakehell.

marcoagpinto commented 8 months ago


I will add them tomorrow.

😋 😋 😋 😋 😋 😋 😋 😋


marcoagpinto commented 8 months ago


Is this it?


88796) demoness's + demonesses
88797) parentheticals
88798) epistemics
88799) Galician + Galicians + Galician's
88800) Nantucketer + Nantucketers + Nantucketer's
88801) demonkind + demonkind's (Noun: uncountable)
88802) demonifuge + demonifuges + demonifuge's + demonifugic
88803) demonist + demonists + demonist's + demonistic
88804) monocarp + monocarps + monocarp's + monocarpic
88805) monocarpellary
88806) polycarpellary
88807) monocarpous
88808) monocarpy + monocarpy's (Noun: uncountable)
88809) trepanger + trepangers + trepanger's
88810) trepanner + trepanners + trepanner's
88811) slanguage + slanguages + slanguage's
88812) cryptolect + cryptolects + cryptolect's + cryptolectal
88813) rakehell + rakehells + rakehell's + rakehelly
88814) nappier + nappiest
88815) venery + venery's (Noun: usually uncountable)
88816) capturable + uncapturable
88817) mistitle +s +ing +ed
88818) mistless
Tex2002ans commented 8 months ago

Is this it?

Yep, looks like it.


That sounds like one of those I'd definitely toss on the extremely, extremely rare-to-nonexistent pile!

I did a skim through Google Books... and yes, it shows up in a handful... but all(?) the books beyond Page 2 don't even have the word inside!

Side Note: When I was submitting this issue, I even came across a "word" that only had 2 hits on Google.


And both referenced scans of the Century Dictionary. It didn't show up anywhere else... in any other book or website ever! lol.

I don't think I ever ran across anything like it before. Usually you get 0 hits, or a few hundred/thousand... but 2... my mind was blown. 😄

marcoagpinto commented 8 months ago

❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️