marcojak / MauiMTAdmob

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CrossMauiMTAdmob.Current.LoadRewarded, Only work One time. #21

Closed TripHere closed 3 months ago

TripHere commented 1 year ago

After loading the advertisement through LoadRewarded, ShowRewarded Reward Ads appears on the screen. But ShowRewarded again, the advertisement will not be exposed, also LoadRewarded again and ShowRewarded, Not working this function.

Martinedo commented 1 year ago

Have you found a solution for this? It seams this bug only occurs on iOS

nicolajhansen97 commented 1 year ago

Yes, seems to only occurs on IOS as Martinedo says. Not sure it's a directly problem with this plugin tho. After researching it seems like alot of people have problems with this even without this plugin but with AdMob.

iancona commented 1 year ago

Same here. If you close the app and re-launch it then again it will show but only first time. Is there some way to reset the request, as it happens with an app re-launch?

marcojak commented 3 months ago

Fixed in version 1.3.3