marcomaggi / vicare

A native compiler for Scheme compliant with R6RS
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Cannot compile boolean=? with 3 or more arguments #97

Closed okuoku closed 7 years ago

okuoku commented 7 years ago

I am using Vicare Scheme on a Ubutu16.04.2.

It seems Vicare cannot accept 3 or more arguments to boolean=? procedure. In R6RS it should take multiple object just as other procedures.

Step to reproduce

  1. Create script file check.sps
  2. run with vicare check.sps
(import (rnrs))

(boolean=? #t #t #t)

Expected result

Acutual result

*** Vicare: unhandled exception:
 Condition components:
   1. &compile-time-arity-error
   2. &library: compiler
   3. &module: pass-introduce-unsafe-primrefs
   4. &who: %E-primref-call
   5. &message: "wrong number of arguments in core primitive application"
   6. &irritants: ((funcall (primref boolean=?)
   (known (constant #t)
     (T:true T:non-false T:boolean T:immediate T:object))
   (known (constant #t)
     (T:true T:non-false T:boolean T:immediate T:object))
   (known (constant #t)
     (T:true T:non-false T:boolean T:immediate T:object))))
marcomaggi commented 7 years ago

Acknowledged, I will look into it. Thanks for the report.

marcomaggi commented 7 years ago

Should be fixed in the head of the master branch. Can you confirm it?

okuoku commented 7 years ago

Confirmed the test passes on Thanks!

Edit: ah, test in the original post also worked with the revision too.