marcominetti / openssl-net

C# wrapper for the popular OpenSSL libraries
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AuthenticateAsClient not working #4

Open marcominetti opened 10 years ago

marcominetti commented 10 years ago

I tried to 'consume' an HTTP web server but connection drops during handshake... something wrong in wrapper...

haf commented 9 years ago

Keep up the good work on your fork! =)

marcominetti commented 9 years ago

Sorry, I'm quite busy at the moment... Have youtried to fix or find the problem?

haf commented 9 years ago

No, I'm currently in the process of evaluating different TLS implementations for Suave and Logary and I need this functionality.

I wasn't trying to hurry you along, I was just saying that you're doing good work =)

marcominetti commented 9 years ago

is there the concept of hurry in pure open-source? LOL

suave and logary, interesting! i've spent lots of time on my own web application server and framework but now i'm porting it to node.js... maintaining a Javascript compiler and runtime built in pure C# AND an application server/framework built on top of it... is tough when you get no support from Microsoft at all and Oracle starts playing with Nashorn...

btw, i had the same problem with my project "ljve"... i've tried a pure managed implementation AaltoTLS

haf commented 9 years ago

I really doubt that Microsoft's lack of support for anyone's runtime is the core of why it would fizzle. Instead, if you want open source to succeed, it's really about building a community around it, talking about it and showing that it's a better option. After all, that's what node.js was and Ruby on Rails and ...

I've looked into AaltoTLS and it's well composed, but the author says what you do; it's not performant. However, I think most libraries can be optimised to the point where their performance is good enough. Often, with a high enough language, your compiler can do the optimisations, like for example: HLearn in Haskell, or Nessos' LinqOptimizer.