marcomusy / vedo

A python module for scientific analysis of 3D data based on VTK and Numpy
MIT License
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Intersection between spline and line #349

Closed eivindtn closed 3 years ago

eivindtn commented 3 years ago

Hey @marcomusy

Thanks for this great package!

A simple question, is there a way to find the intersection points between a spline and line/spline in 2d/3d?

When I use the function spline_2d.intersectWithLine(p1, p2), I get an empty array in return. Is this because the spline is not set as a mesh?


In advance, thank you!

Regards, Eivind

marcomusy commented 3 years ago

This is a VERY interesting question... the intersect with line thing expects a polygonal mesh that's why it doesnt work.. one dirty trick is to extrude the polyline to become a mesh... E.g. msh = line.extrude(1).shift(0,0,-0.5).triangulate() then msh.intersectWithLine(p0,p1)

i need to think if there is a more elegant way of achieving the same.

marcomusy commented 3 years ago example of the above:

from vedo import *

line1 = Line(Circle().points()).lw(5).c('black')

line2 = Line((-2,-1.5),(2,2)).lw(5).c('green')

m1 = line1.extrude(1).shift(0,0,-0.5)
p = Points(m1.intersectWithLine(*line2.points()), r=20).c('red')

show(line1, line2, p, axes=1)
Screenshot 2021-03-26 at 03 21 11
eivindtn commented 3 years ago

Thank you Marco! Your suggestion did work with converting the spline to a mesh. However, if I want to intersect two splines / lines in 3D, generated by the function intersectwith, to find the intersection points (P1 and P2)? I see that I can convert the two curves to a mesh as your suggestion. And then intersect with intersectwith. Then I get two lines, and can then intersect the two lines with the yellow mesh to find the two points. image

marcomusy commented 3 years ago

uhm .. you may navigate along one (arbitrarily curved) 3d polyline and check for closest point.. not sure if this kind of brute force approach is ok for your needs:

from vedo import *

circle = Line(Circle().points()).lw(5).c('black')

line2 = Line((-2,-1.5),(2,2), res=10).lw(5).c('green')

spline2 = Spline(line2, res=100) # oversample line2

hits = []
for p in spline2.points():
    cpt = circle.closestPoint(p)
    if mag2(p-cpt)<0.001:
# print(array(hits))
hits = Points(hits, r=20, c='r')

show(circle, line2, hits, axes=1)

Another option:

from vedo import *

circle = Line(Circle().points()).lw(5).c('black')
circlemesh = circle.extrude(1)

line2 = Line((-2,-1.5),(2,2), res=10).lw(5).c('green')
spline2 = Spline(line2, res=100) # Optionally oversample line2

hits = []
spl_pts = spline2.points()
for i in range(len(spl_pts)-1):
    hits += circlemesh.intersectWithLine(spl_pts[i], spl_pts[i+1]).tolist()

hits = Points(hits, r=20, c='r')

show(circle, line2, hits, axes=1)

or else you might extrude both and then find the intersection?

eivindtn commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the two suggestions! It works :) Something I came to think about regarding the function mesh.intersectionWith, is that it seems like you get returned an array of points that are disorganized. So when I was going to make a spline of these points, it looked like this: image

I ended up organizing the points clockwise by using the axis_intersect and a refvec with the XY-data from the curve. And then find the correspondent Z-component in intersect You can run the example below.

from vedo import *
import math
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from functools import partial

def clockwiseangle_and_distance(point, origin, refvec):
    """ order a set of points in a clockwise direction
    taken from:
    # Vector between point and the origin: v = p - o
    vector = [point[0]-origin[0], point[1]-origin[1]]
    # Length of vector: ||v||
    lenvector = math.hypot(vector[0], vector[1])
    # If length is zero there is no angle
    if lenvector == 0:
        return -math.pi, 0
    # Normalize vector: v/||v||
    normalized = [vector[0]/lenvector, vector[1]/lenvector]
    dotprod  = normalized[0]*refvec[0] + normalized[1]*refvec[1]     # x1*x2 + y1*y2
    diffprod = refvec[1]*normalized[0] - refvec[0]*normalized[1]     # x1*y2 - y1*x2
    angle = math.atan2(diffprod, dotprod)
    # Negative angles represent counter-clockwise angles so we need to subtract them 
    # from 2*pi (360 degrees)
    if angle < 0:
        return 2*math.pi+angle, lenvector
    # I return first the angle because that's the primary sorting criterium
    # but if two vectors have the same angle then the shorter distance should come first.
    return angle, lenvector

#create two cylinders
cyl1  = Cylinder(pos=(0,0,0), r=2, height=3, axis=(1,0,0), c='teal3', alpha=1, cap=False, res=500)
cyl2  = Cylinder(pos=(0,0,2), r=1, height=2, axis=(0,0.3,1), c='teal3', alpha=1, cap=False, res=500)

intersect = cyl1.intersectWith(cyl2)
spline_unorganized = Spline(intersect.points())

intersect_2D =intersect.points()[:,0:2] # project the points to plane
#find the point intersection between the cyl2 axis and cyl1 surface
cyl2_axis = np.array([0,0.3,1])
p1 = cyl2_axis+cyl2.pos()
p2 = -cyl2_axis+cyl2.pos()
axis_intersect  = cyl1.intersectWithLine(p1,p2)
refvec = [0,1]

intersect_clockwise = sorted(intersect_2D, key=partial(clockwiseangle_and_distance, origin = axis_intersect[0], refvec = refvec))
intersect_clockwise = np.asarray(intersect_clockwise)

spline_2d = Spline(intersect_clockwise)

#find the z coordinate in the intersect curve
d,idx = cKDTree(intersect_2D).query(intersect_clockwise, k=1)
t = idx[np.isclose(d,0)]

intersect_curve_clockwise = []
for i in range (0, len(t)):

spline_3d = Spline(intersect_curve_clockwise)
show(spline_3d.c('b').lw(5), spline_unorganized.c('r'))

Is there a way to do this with some of the functions in vedo? Or an easier/better way?

marcomusy commented 3 years ago

Hi, very interesting issue! You can try with this helper function:

from vedo import *

def order_boundary(msh):
    poly = msh.join().polydata(False)
    return msh

#create two cylinders
cyl1  = Cylinder(pos=(0,0,0), r=2, height=3, axis=(1,0,0), alpha=.1, cap=0, res=50).triangulate()
cyl2  = Cylinder(pos=(0,0,2), r=1, height=2, axis=(0,0.3,1), alpha=.1, cap=0, res=50).triangulate()

intersect = order_boundary(cyl1.intersectWith(cyl2))
spline = Spline(intersect)

show(cyl1, cyl2, spline.c('b').lw(5), intersect.labels('id').c('r4'), axes=1)

Screenshot from 2021-03-30 16-46-42

eivindtn commented 3 years ago

Nice ! Thank you! This is a much better solution! Appriacete your dedication to this package :) I also find it very interesting to find out the point/points with maximum curvature in a spline, like the 4 points in the figure below(P1-P4). This spline is from your last comment. I looked into your Spline function source, and I see that you use these functions: from scipy.interpolate import splprep, splev. It looks like you can find the derivatives in the splev function. Or do you already have this function integrated in vedo ? image

marcomusy commented 3 years ago

You can compute the (signed) curvature of a 3d curve by fitting circles analytically (so it's superfast):


eivindtn commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the late reply! Been offline because of easter. Thanks for the suggested solution for computing the signed curvature of a line! I tried to compute the signed curvature of the spline by using the linked example. I find the point with the greatest curvature to be the point(P1 in the figure). However, I have a problem finding the other three local max/minimum of the spline. I also tried to split the spline into multiple lines and then computing the curvature. By looking at the curvature array, I see that the curvature in the points isn't the greatest/smallest. Is there a way to find a local maximum/minimum points?

from vedo import *
import numpy as np

def order_boundary(msh):
    poly = msh.join().polydata(False)
    return msh

#create two cylinders
cyl1  = Cylinder(pos=(0,0,0), r=2, height=3, axis=(1,0,0), alpha=.1, cap=0, res=250).triangulate()
cyl2  = Cylinder(pos=(0,0,2), r=1, height=2, axis=(0,0.3,1), alpha=.1, cap=0, res=250).triangulate()

intersect = order_boundary(cyl1.intersectWith(cyl2))
spline = Spline(intersect).lw(3)

points = spline.points()
fitpts, circles, curvs = [], [], []
n = 3                   # nr. of points to use for the fit
for i in range(spline.NPoints() - n):
    pts = points[i:i+n]
    center, R, normal = fitCircle(pts)
    z = cross(pts[-1]-pts[0], center-pts[0])[2]
    if R < 0.75:
        circle = Circle(center, r=R).wireframe().orientation(normal)
curvs += [curvs[-1]]*n  # fill the missing last n points

#shape.lw(8).cmap('rainbow', curvs).addScalarBar3D(title='\pm1/\sqrtR')
#show(shape, circles, Points(fitpts), __doc__, axes=1)

sorted_curvs = np.sort(curvs)
max_curvature = points[np.where(curvs == sorted_curvs[-1])[0][0]]
min_curvature = points[np.where(curvs == sorted_curvs[0])[0][0]]
p_1 = Points([max_curvature], r=10).c('r')
p_min = Points([min_curvature], r=10).c('g')

show(p_1, p_min, spline, axes =1)


marcomusy commented 3 years ago

there seem to be various problems.... Check the following:

pip install -U git+

from vedo import *
from vedo.pyplot import plot

cyl1  = Cylinder(pos=(0,0,0), r=2, height=3, axis=(1,0,0), alpha=.1, cap=0, res=100).triangulate()
cyl2  = Cylinder(pos=(0,0,2), r=1, height=2, axis=(0,0.3,1), alpha=.1, cap=0, res=100).triangulate()

intersect = cyl1.intersectWith(cyl2).join(reset=True)
spline = Spline(intersect).lw(3)
points = spline.points()
print("spline points", spline.N())

fitpts, circles, curvs = [], [], []
n = 200                   # nr. of points to use for the fit
for i in range(spline.NPoints() - n):
    pts = points[i:i+n]
    center, R, normal = fitCircle(pts)
curvs += [curvs[-1]]*n    # fill the missing last n points (WRONG HERE!)

spline.lw(8).cmap('rainbow', curvs).addScalarBar3D(title='\pm1/\sqrtR')

intersect.shift(0,0,0.1).pointSize(2) # to make it visible
pcurv = plot(curvs, '-')  # plot curvature values

show([[intersect, spline, Axes(spline)], # first renderer
       pcurv,                            # second renderer
     ], N=2, sharecam=False)

Screenshot from 2021-04-08 00-22-59

  1. looping is wrong because the line is closed so the last "missing" points should actually be the first ones
  2. intersection points are not very uniform in space (which is expected..)
  3. the Spline() seems to genuinely introduce "wiggles" which are not there when one looks at the original points:

from vedo import * from vedo.pyplot import plot

cyl1 = Cylinder(pos=(0,0,0), r=2, height=3, axis=(1,0,0), alpha=.1, cap=0, res=100).triangulate() cyl2 = Cylinder(pos=(0,0,2), r=1, height=2, axis=(0,0.3,1), alpha=.1, cap=0, res=100).triangulate()

intersect = cyl1.intersectWith(cyl2).join(reset=True) spline = Spline(intersect).lw(3) spline = intersect points = spline.points() print("spline points", spline.N())

fitpts, circles, curvs = [], [], [] n = 20 # nr. of points to use for the fit for i in range(spline.NPoints() - n): pts = points[i:i+n] center, R, normal = fitCircle(pts) curvs.append(sqrt(1/R)) curvs += [curvs[-1]]*n # fill the missing last n points (WRONG HERE!)

spline.lw(8).cmap('rainbow', curvs).addScalarBar3D(title='\pm1/\sqrtR')

isc = intersect.clone().shift(0,0,0.1).pointSize(3).c('k') # to make it visible pcurv = plot(curvs, '-') # plot curvature values

show([[isc, spline, Axes(spline)], # first renderer pcurv, # second renderer ], N=2, sharecam=False)

![Screenshot from 2021-04-08 00-41-12](
finding local max and min reduces to the 1d problem in the last plot.

PS: as a test, the fitCircle() seems to work as expected..:
from vedo import *

spline = Line(Circle().scale([1,0.8,1]).rotateY(10))
points = spline.points()

fitpts, circles, curvs = [], [], []
n = 3                   # nr. of points to use for the fit
for i in range(spline.NPoints() - n):
    pts = points[i:i+n]
    center, R, normal = fitCircle(pts)
curvs += [curvs[-1]]*n

spline.lw(8).cmap('rainbow', curvs)
pcurv = pyplot.plot(curvs) 

show([[spline, Axes(spline)], pcurv], N=2, sharecam=False)

Screenshot from 2021-04-08 01-06-30

eivindtn commented 3 years ago

Looking into the mentioned problem 1. above, would this fix the looping problem? However, finding points P1-P4 (figure in my last comment) seems to not be so straightforward computing the signed curvature of a line. The line intersect = cyl1.intersectWith(cyl2).join(reset=True), is the .join(reset=True) for applying the def order_boundary(msh) function?

from vedo import *
from vedo.pyplot import plot
import numpy as np

cyl1  = Cylinder(pos=(0,0,0), r=2, height=3, axis=(1,0,0), alpha=.1, cap=0, res=100).triangulate()
cyl2  = Cylinder(pos=(0,0,2), r=1, height=2, axis=(0,0.3,1), alpha=.1, cap=0, res=100).triangulate()

intersect = cyl1.intersectWith(cyl2).join(reset=True)
spline = Spline(intersect).lw(3)
spline = intersect
points = spline.points()
print("spline points", spline.N())

fitpts, circles, curvs = [], [], []
n = 30                   # nr. of points to use for the fit
points2 = np.append(points, points[0:n], axis=0) #append so the last points in the points2 are the first ones of points
for i in range(spline.NPoints()):
    pts = points2[i:i+n]
    center, R, normal = fitCircle(pts)
#curvs += [curvs[-1]]*n    # This line is now unnecessary?

spline.lw(8).cmap('rainbow', curvs).addScalarBar3D(title='\pm1/\sqrtR')

isc = intersect.clone().shift(0,0,0.1).pointSize(3).c('k') # to make it visible
pcurv = plot(curvs, '-')  # plot curvature values

show([[isc, spline, Axes(spline)], # first renderer
        pcurv,                            # second renderer
      ], N=2, sharecam=False)


marcomusy commented 3 years ago

Looking into the mentioned problem 1. above, would this fix the looping problem?

yep, that looks like a clever solution

However, finding points P1-P4 (figure in my last comment) seems to not be so straightforward computing the signed curvature of a line.

Indeed it's not straightforward as there are 8 such points! you may take the 1d derivative of the plot and look for zero crossings. You may also try to reduce the extra points coming from the splining, as these may be the cause of the extra small "wiggles", by lowering the resolution e.g. Spline(res=4*len(points)).

intersect = cyl1.intersectWith(cyl2).join(reset=True), is the .join(reset=True) for applying the def order_boundary(msh) function?


eivindtn commented 3 years ago

Thanks! I will look into that! Also, I'm very interested in fitting a cylinder to a scattered point cloud data to obtain the cylinder axis, a point on the axis, and the radius. Could the fitCircle function be used to find a cylinder axis? For now, I have used this implementation from this repo. The algorithm implemented here is from David Eberly's paper "Fitting 3D Data with a Cylinder" from

marcomusy commented 3 years ago

I'm very interested in fitting a cylinder to a scattered point cloud data to obtain the cylinder axis, a point on the axis, and the radius. Could the fitCircle function be used to find a cylinder axis?

No, I would rather think of solving that analytically (if you need a fast algorithm) or use a Cylinder() mesh and then probe the distance to the Points (which is probably very slow). Relevant examples: examples/basic/ (for generating the distance field to a pointcloud) examples/advanced/ (for the minimization part)

eivindtn commented 3 years ago

I'm very interested in fitting a cylinder to a scattered point cloud data to obtain the cylinder axis, a point on the axis, and the radius. Could the fitCircle function be used to find a cylinder axis?

No, I would rather think of solving that analytically (if you need a fast algorithm) or use a Cylinder() mesh and then probe the distance to the Points (which is probably very slow). Relevant examples: examples/basic/ (for generating the distance field to a pointcloud) examples/advanced/ (for the minimization part)

Okey, I will look into those examples!

marcomusy commented 3 years ago

I have used this implementation from this repo. The algorithm implemented here is from David Eberly's paper "Fitting 3D Data with a Cylinder" from

uhm, i'm not sure .. it doesn't look an analytic solution though as it uses minimize:

eivindtn commented 3 years ago

Hi again Marco! Another question related to the axes properties of the show function. I'm wondering if it possible to draw multiple cartesian coordinate system in the plotter with a transformation T_AB? A coordinate system which has a transformation matrix from axes= 2 (cartesian axes from (0,0,0)) to another coordinate system? Like in the image below. I did looked into the ved.addons.axes but I couldn't see a way to set the orientation and translation of the axes. image

marcomusy commented 3 years ago

Hi @eivindtn Yes!

from vedo import *

cu = Cube().alpha(0.2)
cu_ax = Axes(cu)


T = cu.getTransform()
writeTransform(T, 'trfrm.mat')
T = loadTransform('trfrm.mat')[0]

cu_ax2 = Axes(Cube())

show(cu_ax, cu, cu_ax2, axes=2)

Screenshot from 2021-04-29 21-23-42

PS: please always open a new issue if a question is not related to the current title (it's easier for me to track)

eivindtn commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the example! Sorry, I will from now open a new issue when it is not related to the current title! Regarding your example, is it possible to have the same format of cu_ax and cu_ax2 as the axes=2. Also not having a offset from the origin point of cu_ax and cu_ax2? I tried to play with the shift option to move the axes so they go out from the (0,0,0). Like this:
cu_ax = Axes(cu, xyGrid= False , xyShift=0.5, yzShift=0.5, zxShift=0.5,xLineColor='red', yLineColor='green', zLineColor='blue' ,xTitleOffset=-0.5, yTitleOffset=-0.5, zTitleOffset=-0.6). But I haven't quite figured out these properties like you see when running my line with the example above. image

marcomusy commented 3 years ago

is it possible to have the same format of cu_ax and cu_ax2 as the axes=2.

No, I'm afraid.

Also not having a offset from the origin point of cu_ax and cu_ax2?

Yes, you can create any axes ranges by passing the arguments e.g. Axes(xrange=(0,1), yrange=(0,1), zrange=(0,1))

The other way you're doing looks also correct (the colored axes above). With the dev version pip install -U git+ you can also use xShiftAlongY etc..

eivindtn commented 3 years ago

Thank you @marcomusy !