marcopeocchi / yt-dlp-web-ui

A terrible web ui for yt-dlp. Designed to be self-hosted.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
657 stars 67 forks source link

Unexpected Application Error #128

Closed pargit closed 5 months ago

pargit commented 5 months ago

hi running on docker windows (wsl2) latest image. when trying to select format the website crash with this error: TypeError: Failed to fetch dynamically imported module: http://localhost:3033/assets/ErrorBoundary-73dae622.js from the docker logs: 2024-01-12 11:02:12 2024/01/12 09:02:12 Metadata Formats 2024-01-12 11:02:12 panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference 2024-01-12 11:02:12 [signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0x1 addr=0x0 pc=0x54d878] 2024-01-12 11:02:12 2024-01-12 11:02:12 goroutine 153 [running]: 2024-01-12 11:02:12 log/slog.(*Logger).Handler(...) 2024-01-12 11:02:12 /usr/local/go/src/log/slog/logger.go:89 2024-01-12 11:02:12 log/slog.(*Logger).Enabled(0xc000306f58?, {0xd19c48?, 0x1159600?}, 0xc000306fa0?) 2024-01-12 11:02:12 /usr/local/go/src/log/slog/logger.go:137 +0x18 2024-01-12 11:02:12 log/slog.(*Logger).log(0x0, {0xd19c48, 0x1159600}, 0x0, {0xaced9a, 0x13}, {0xc000307328, 0x2, 0x2}) 2024-01-12 11:02:12 /usr/local/go/src/log/slog/logger.go:210 +0x6a 2024-01-12 11:02:12 log/slog.(*Logger).Info(...) 2024-01-12 11:02:12 /usr/local/go/src/log/slog/logger.go:178 2024-01-12 11:02:12*Process).GetFormatsSync(0xc0003075c0) 2024-01-12 11:02:12 /usr/src/yt-dlp-webui/server/internal/process.go:243 +0x46b 2024-01-12 11:02:12*Service).Formats(0xc000319f20?, {{0x0, 0x0}, {0xc0001128a0, 0x2b}, {0x0, 0x0, 0x0}}, 0xc00011a2c0) 2024-01-12 11:02:12 /usr/src/yt-dlp-webui/server/rpc/service.go:75 +0xe5 2024-01-12 11:02:12{0xc000096840?, 0xc0000943f8?, 0x13?}, {0xac8811, 0x4}, {0xc000104ef8, 0x3, 0x3?}) 2024-01-12 11:02:12 /usr/local/go/src/reflect/value.go:596 +0xce7 2024-01-12 11:02:12 reflect.Value.Call({0xc000096840?, 0xc0000943f8?, 0x0?}, {0xc00004fef8?, 0x0?, 0x0?}) 2024-01-12 11:02:12 /usr/local/go/src/reflect/value.go:380 +0xb9 2024-01-12 11:02:12 net/rpc.(*service).call(0xc0001c6680, 0x0?, 0x0?, 0xc000013a40, 0xc0000a8b80, 0x0?, {0xa7b980?, 0xc000025a80?, 0x0?}, {0xa13fe0, ...}, ...) 2024-01-12 11:02:12 /usr/local/go/src/net/rpc/server.go:382 +0x211 2024-01-12 11:02:12 created by net/rpc.(*Server).ServeCodec in goroutine 151 2024-01-12 11:02:12 /usr/local/go/src/net/rpc/server.go:479 +0x410 2024-01-12 11:02:13 2024/01/12 09:02:13 config no config file found 2024-01-12 11:02:13 time=2024-01-12T09:02:13.363Z level=INFO msg="sucessfully persisted session"

how can i fix it?


marcopeocchi commented 5 months ago

hello @pargit,

It was a regression introduced in #127. Thanks for pointing it out.

pargit commented 5 months ago

after pulling latest image everything look fine :) thanks