marcopeocchi / yt-dlp-web-ui

A terrible web ui for yt-dlp. Designed to be self-hosted.
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Static custom yt-dlp args --paths #130

Open pythonxy opened 5 months ago

pythonxy commented 5 months ago


is there a way to set --paths as static custom argument for every download? Trying to move the finished file to different folder.

marcopeocchi commented 5 months ago

hello @pythonxy,

you might try adding a "template" with --path as value. They're located on the blue speed dial on the bottom right.

pythonxy commented 5 months ago

hello @pythonxy,

you might try adding a "template" with --path as value. They're located on the blue speed dial on the bottom right.

thanks for replying. yep template made it faster for arguments. However, I tried to set -P /downloads -P temp:/media/tmp but the temp files are always show up in /downloads instead of /media/tmp. I am not sure if the original argument -o /downloads/%(title)s.%(ext)s is doing something. Hope you can help

marcopeocchi commented 5 months ago

-o is indeed interfering with your arguments. I'll look into that.

marcopeocchi commented 5 months ago

Corrected behavior in d3371ed64c2e74a9d2e101256ea1ffedba1ffc97.

pythonxy commented 5 months ago

Corrected behavior in d3371ed.

thanks for the update. Maybe I am wrong, is the Dockerfile also need to be updated to remove the -o option from entry point?

marcopeocchi commented 5 months ago

It shouldn't be necessary, it just tell the rpc where to save files if nothing else is specified.

pythonxy commented 5 months ago

I rebuilt the image by removing the -o option from Dockerfile entry point and confirmed now it is working as expected. File will download in /media/tmp folder and will be move to /downloads after it finished.

dj3500 commented 1 month ago

Thank you for making this software available! I will take the liberty of commenting on this issue, as mine seems to be very similar.

I'm trying to get this to work and am unable - the files always get saved in the --out directory regardless of what I provide after the -P flag, which is essentially ignored. In d3371ed, shouldn't the check be carried out on p.Params rather than params?

(I have also tried the "custom path" feature, but that is rather annoying - a dropdown appears, but it has only one suggested value, which is the --out directory, and doesn't accept anything other than that or an empty string...)

marcopeocchi commented 1 month ago

Hi @dj3500,

At the first glance it seems that the check has to be done on p.Params as you said, I'll take a look into that. As for the "custom path" feature, it is indeed quite skectched and it's better provide both dropdown and a free text field to input the path.