marcopeocchi / yt-dlp-web-ui

A terrible web ui for yt-dlp. Designed to be self-hosted.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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ARM binary does not work on ARMv6 - illegal instruction #141

Closed jacklul closed 3 months ago

jacklul commented 3 months ago

Hello, is there a chance to include ARMv6 binary in the releases?

I noticed in the Makefile that GOARM is not being specified for the ARM builds (go wiki recommends to use it) and doesn't seem to work on ARMv6 machine - illegal instruction error.

I would like to suggest targeting individual ARM revisions separately:

CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=6 go build -o build/yt-dlp-webui_linux-armv6 main.go
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 go build -o build/yt-dlp-webui_linux-armv7 main.go

Could also be for v5 but I doubt anyone uses those nowadays.

marcopeocchi commented 3 months ago

Hi @jacklul

ARM version prior to ARMv7 had been deprecaded. I will reintroduce build for ARMv6 for the binary releases.

jacklul commented 3 months ago

I just tried your newest build and armv6 binary is still giving me Illegal instruction, I think you made a little mistake in Makefile and generated armv6 binary as armv7 file and vice versa

marcopeocchi commented 3 months ago

You're right they're swapped