marcopixel / monstercat-visualizer

A real time audio visualizer for Rainmeter similar to the ones used in the Monstercat videos.
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Not pulling cover art, song title, or artist from Spotify #191

Open TalostheCat opened 6 years ago

TalostheCat commented 6 years ago


As the title says, that's all I see. The cover is just white with the Monstercat logo with a dropshadow and the text says N/A - N/A


Additional notes/images


SoDaBearJess commented 6 years ago

I just begun to start having the same issue. Did your Spotify update anytime in the past couple of days?

TalostheCat commented 6 years ago

I have a feeling that's exactly what happened

GzpyINFT commented 6 years ago

@TalostheCat The same error is occurring for my Visualizer. Tried to downgrade to the previous Spotify update but still, nothing works. Reinstalled Spotify, the Visualizer, Plugins, and Rainmeter. Google DNS is set as well. No success. It wouldn't be a Windows 10 version complication. We have different versions (I have OS 1709). It might be a server side issue or outdated Spotify plugin (outdated current release).

Edit: Other players work, other than Spotify.

OTEKKENDURE commented 6 years ago

I have a problem exactly like this within the past 9 hours I can't get song information, cover art or progress indicator. I tried many things and gave up. It's something to do with a change in Spotify's code at their end.

GzpyINFT commented 6 years ago

@OTEKKENDURE Its the SpotifyPlugin.dll outdated I'm pretty sure or broken because of the new Spotify update

OTEKKENDURE commented 6 years ago

Hey thanks @GzpyINFT. I wish Spotify could notify the user as well in the update process. It's all silent background stuff and I have to manually check their sites patch notes for if they updated in the last 24 hours or not. All I can do is wait for an update from here.

GzpyINFT commented 6 years ago


P1X3L0V4 commented 6 years ago

I can confirm that covers are not showing up correctly on Spotify version

melowody commented 6 years ago

Confirmed (Cover, title, and artist not showing up or are N/A) on Spotify

marcopixel commented 6 years ago

We know about this issue and we'll hope that it can be fixed as soon as possible. For now we can only wait and see if there will be an update for the SpotifyPlugin / SpotifyAPI-Net.

For more information, please visit or as the issue lies on Spotify removing the local API and replacing it with their new web api.

th3an7 commented 6 years ago

Had the same issue... It should work again with

Permanently commented 6 years ago

Tried this, and it works... for 30 seconds. After that Rainmeter just crashes and I have to relaunch only for the same crash to repeat itself. No idea if that's just the visualiser I'm using or if it's my computer.

th3an7 commented 6 years ago

@Permanently yeah... just noticed the same - it's the plugin again... we need to wait for a proper release then...

DominykasPetke commented 6 years ago

Well, I don't know if Spicetify (another Rainmeter plug-in) affects anything here, but I have both that and this visualiser with the WebNowPlaying mode and since Spotify is a Chromium based app now, it does pull the artist, title and the cover art successfully. The only things not working correctly are the song length and now @ point in the song labels.

Quick edit: Another two things that don't work properly are the hide skin when nothing's running and ignore sound when paused options. The skin just stays up, and to hide it you have to close Spotify. On the upside, running the visualiser in the Web mode also allows immediate YouTube integration with the browser and the browser will always take priority over Spotify in this mode, so Spotify can safely stay in the background.

Ein6tein commented 6 years ago

Latest version almost works - it periodically drops info, but periodically shows it again

RobertFrydenlund commented 6 years ago

SpotifyPlugin development is discontinued, see

Ein6tein commented 6 years ago

@RobertFrydenlund - sad, thanks for the effort, though. Now need to find out, how to make Monstercat visualizer work with Spicetify...

RobertFrydenlund commented 6 years ago

It quite easy really. Just install Spicetify and enable the WebNowPlaying extension (page 2). Then open the Monstercat Visualizer player settings and switch the player type from Spotify to WebNowPlaying, and it should work out of the box.

Permanently commented 6 years ago

Deleted my comment - turns out I'm an idiot and didn't read the instructions properly.

hobhobuk commented 6 years ago

Spicetify does not work at all for me..

Switched on the webnowplaying, clicked restart on Spicetify.. unless I am missing something?

Permanently commented 6 years ago

It'll be because you didn't activate the WebNowPlaying hook app on Spicetify. At least, that was my issue.

hobhobuk commented 6 years ago

No that is done.. I presume this does not work with the actual Spotify program?

Works fine if I open the browser and play via the web browser.. not really a solution though.

Permanently commented 6 years ago

It does work with the actual program. It might be a new update that I'm not aware of (I'm not at home right now) or it might just be the case of an incorrect setup. Either way, it worked for me a few days ago.

Try making sure the Chrome/Firefox extension is active, as well as the Spicetify Default CSS being in place.

SoDaBearJess commented 6 years ago

I was having this issue but I just fixed it. When you change extensions you have to hit apply, but the apply button was grayed out. I hit backup and waited for that to complete, and then I was able to hit apply. Once apply was done, I could see the artist and album cover.

tjhrulz commented 6 years ago

While this is a very temporary fix (I do have several more changes planned and several contingency plans as well) for the time being here is a spotify plugin that will work until we get rate limited again (So don't over share/release skins that use this version)

ShadowOfBuchko commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately, that fix will not only crash Rainmeter, but the text changes from N/A - N/A to 0 - 0. This only happens with Spotify as the media player.

tjhrulz commented 6 years ago

Unless I compiled it wrong crashes will be the same as Spotify plugin

Michael35699 commented 6 years ago

I downloaded tjhrulz's hotfix of the spotify plugin, and I can confirm that it works for me now. Thanks man! @tjhrulz

thexmanxyz commented 6 years ago

@tjhrulz Any way to stop rainmeter from crashing with the hot fix? :) PS.: great job, at least it works for me even if it crashes quite frequently

Zavayy commented 6 years ago

Are people still trying to address this problem? Or are there any other things that are similar to this that I could use?

McGuffery commented 6 years ago

Hopefully the problem is fixed soon, I've been wanting to try out this Program but haven't had a chance since it's been having problems

mtburnes commented 6 years ago

Is it possible to scrape song/album/art from the Windows API for the volume banner? This could be a more permanent fix for that. Here's some possible info for the win10 api

thexmanxyz commented 6 years ago

@mburnes That might be a fix, the question is how the Windows 10 API scrapes the info / or how Spotify passes the info to the Windows 10 API. I have not enough knowlegde on the data exchange but this might be worth considering! Many projects depend on SpotifyPlugin but all have more or less issues depending on the features they use...since the support is dropped. But as far as I know there is a new API (WebAPI) which should be the intended replacement of the old one. But IDK if this API lacks some basic support that is necessary for the song information scrapping.

Wist9063 commented 5 years ago

@tjhrulz Your fix kinda works for 10-20 sec, but then crashes and in the logs its spamming 404 errors.



9:26:05 PM Monday, September 17, 2018
SpotifyPlugin version
Culture: en-US
OSVersion: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.17134.0
 The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
    at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataInternal(Uri address, WebRequest& request)
   at System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(Uri address)
   at SpotifyPlugin.AlbumArt.GetAlbumImage(Int32 resolution, String filePath) (Monstercat-Visualizer\visualizer.ini - [MeasureProgressPrecent])
tjhrulz commented 5 years ago

As I said my fix was temporary (I forgot I posted it here) since I have been so busy I would just recommend doing spicetify as I don't foresee myself getting around to it anytime soon

Mazamies commented 5 years ago

Any made fix this?

cazaman11 commented 5 years ago

If anyones having issues with getting the WebNowPlaying player to work / install correctly in Spicetify, spotify must be installed in the same drive as rainmeter.

ColonialDagger commented 5 years ago

To add to the above, someone on reddit posted a full guide to get the visualizer working with Spicetify through WebNowPlaying. Works almost flawlessly, just like prior to Spotify Plugin being discontinued. Since the switch is permanent, this issue cannot be permanently fixed, but the Spicetify workaround is likely the best fix unless WebNowPlaying is somehow implemented directly into Monstercat Visualizer.

NighterNyx commented 5 years ago

@ColonialDagger Holy shit that works wonderfully, I just have to install Normal Spotify for it to work! Can't thank you enough.

Arszilla commented 5 years ago

@ColonialDagger Whenever Spotify updates their client, WebNowPlaying breaks and you have to resetup/reapply the Spicetify though. Any fix for that?

ColonialDagger commented 5 years ago

@ColonialDagger Whenever Spotify updates their client, WebNowPlaying breaks and you have to resetup/reapply the Spicetify though. Any fix for that?

Not that I particularly know of, I know longer use the skin and haven't used it for a few months.

marcopixel commented 5 years ago

We will remove standalone Spotify support and replace it with spicetify-cli + WebNowPlaying since this is the easiest solution and it should work as long as Spotify doesn't redesign their desktop app.

The next release will remove the option from the media player settings page and i've created an guide for people on how to install it properly.

Many thanks for @tjhrulz and @khanhas for making this even possible, huge shoutout to them.


I will keep this issue open for a few days now so people can discuss about that change, give feedback, etc..

Ein6tein commented 5 years ago

Works for me - thanks to all, that contributed to this fix!!!!

DerGeileHaralt commented 5 years ago

Works for me too. I just reinstalled everything. Great job guys.

Linerly commented 5 years ago

We will remove standalone Spotify support and replace it with spicetify-cli + WebNowPlaying since this is the easiest solution and it should work as long as Spotify doesn't redesign their desktop app.

The next release will remove the option from the media player settings page and i've created an guide for people on how to install it properly.

Many thanks for @tjhrulz and @khanhas for making this even possible, huge shoutout to them.


I will keep this issue open for a few days now so people can discuss about that change, give feedback, etc..

It didn't work for me, or did I install it wrong? It didn't show the info, it just N/A - N/A. My Spotify version is What should I do to fix it? image I already installed Spicetify, of course.

khanhas commented 5 years ago


  1. Make sure you are using Spotify Desktop version, not Windows Store version.
  2. What Spicetify did you use, Spicetify for Rainmeter or spicetify-cli as in the guide? If you used spicetify-cli, it should show what was wrong in the terminal.
Linerly commented 5 years ago


  1. Make sure you are using Spotify Desktop version, not Windows Store version.
  2. What Spicetify did you use, Spicetify for Rainmeter or spicetify-cli as in the guide? If you used spicetify-cli, it should show what was wrong in the terminal.

I'm using the Spotify Desktop version, I use spicetify-cli in the guide, nothing was wrong in Powershell.

khanhas commented 5 years ago


If there is no webnowplaying.js in extensions field, run:

spicetify config extensions webnowplaying.js
spicetify apply
Linerly commented 5 years ago


  • Check that you switch to WebNowPlaying player in Monstercat setting.
  • If you switched already, check that you added webnowplaying.js in extensions field in config. Run this in powershell to examine config file:
cat $(spicetify -c)


If there is no webnowplaying.js in extensions field, run:

spicetify config extensions webnowplaying.js
spicetify apply

Still, didn't work. :(

BigmacM commented 5 years ago

I've tried everything in this thread after the update but still can't get it to work.