An option to have the visualizer automatically edit its sensitivity, FFT decay, smoothing level, and multiplier based on the average volume of the last few seconds of the song (or optionally if you have the time to do it, tempo detection). High energy songs would have a short decay time, lower sensitivity, and a higher multiplier, along with low smoothing, whereas low energy songs would have higher sensitivity, a lower multiplier and slightly higher smoothing.
Some more fun things to try would be, for example, letting the user select colours for different moods, and applying them automatically.
Additional notes/images
The hyperlink for tempo detection redirects you to a C# BPM detection library by matixmatix. An implementation of this could be used to write a plugin that hooks into Rainmeter and provides a measure for the current energy of a provided audio device.
An option to have the visualizer automatically edit its sensitivity, FFT decay, smoothing level, and multiplier based on the average volume of the last few seconds of the song (or optionally if you have the time to do it, tempo detection). High energy songs would have a short decay time, lower sensitivity, and a higher multiplier, along with low smoothing, whereas low energy songs would have higher sensitivity, a lower multiplier and slightly higher smoothing.
Some more fun things to try would be, for example, letting the user select colours for different moods, and applying them automatically.
Additional notes/images
The hyperlink for tempo detection redirects you to a C# BPM detection library by matixmatix. An implementation of this could be used to write a plugin that hooks into Rainmeter and provides a measure for the current energy of a provided audio device.