marcorinck / angular-growl

growl-like notifications for angularJS projects
MIT License
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Circular dependency found while using with angular-translations / Partial-Loader module #15

Open xmlking opened 10 years ago

xmlking commented 10 years ago

I am using latest growl and translations modules along with angular 1.2.6 Growl is not able to translate notification messages as expected. Should I load modules/JavaScript files in proper order ? Please advice.

xmlking commented 10 years ago

Please see the Plunker code: working not working

  1. when using with statically added translations --> working
  2. when using with statically added translations + growlProvider.serverMessagesInterceptor --> working
  3. when using with PartialLoader loaded translations + growlProvider.serverMessagesInterceptor --> notworking
  4. when using with PartialLoader loaded translations + without growlProvider.serverMessagesInterceptor --> working