marcoroth / stimulus-lsp

Intelligent Stimulus tooling for Visual Studio Code and Neovim
MIT License
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Extract `stimulus-language-service` #9

Open marcoroth opened 9 months ago

gobijan commented 8 months ago

We would love to have the plain language server extracted so we can create support for more editors like Sublime or Nova.

Cheers Bijan & Tommaso (@tommasongr)

marcoroth commented 8 months ago

I think the server/ is currently extracted in a way where it should be usable through stdin/stdout with editors like NeoVim. But I haven't really tried to make it work just yet.

I think the VSCode-specific things are only in client/.

marcoroth commented 8 months ago

@gobijan just put up #47 and published stimulus-language-server on npm which might be what you have been looking for!