marcoschwartz / aREST

A RESTful environment for Arduino
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'class aREST' has no member named 'get_topic' #294

Closed Ramesh-DarkAngel closed 3 years ago

Ramesh-DarkAngel commented 3 years ago

Dear Marco,

aRest is simply awesome. I really love your work. Thank you so much for everything that you have done so far. Well, while compiling one of your codes, I'd encountered a problem.


Arduino: 1.8.13 (Windows 10), Board: "Generic ESP8266 Module, 80 MHz, Flash, Legacy (new can return nullptr), All SSL ciphers (most compatible), dtr (aka nodemcu), 26 MHz, 40MHz, DOUT (compatible), 1MB (FS:64KB OTA:~470KB), 2, nonos-sdk 2.2.1+100 (190703), v2 Lower Memory, Disabled, None, Only Sketch, 115200"

C:\My Home Automation\Control_Relay_from_Anywhere.ino: In function 'void setup()':

Control_Relay_from_Anywhere:47:26: error: 'class aREST' has no member named 'get_topic'

char* out_topic = rest.get_topic();


exit status 1

'class aREST' has no member named 'get_topic'

I hope you could shed some lights on this. Thank you in advance mate.

Best wishes, J.Ramesh

marcoschwartz commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reporting this bug, we'll work on it!

marcoschwartz commented 3 years ago

This is now fixed in the latest release, make sure to use the official examples sketches that we have updated :)

hoh1114 commented 3 years ago

Hi Marco,

I just start to learn how to use aREST but I encounter the same problem after I delete the previous libraries and download back

error :

exit status 1

'class aREST' has no member named 'get_topic'

I hope you can provide some guidance thank you very much

Best Regard hoh error