marcoschwartz / aREST

A RESTful environment for Arduino
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Limitations #295

Open jallen2281 opened 3 years ago

jallen2281 commented 3 years ago

First, let me say I do like the idea of this project and have used it for smaller projects without issues. That said, unless I'm missing some workaround, there's no way to monitor and report on large onewire temperature networks.

I currently have several large-scale temperature networks consisting of 100 sensors or more each. It seems in order to accomplish reporting on this using aRest, I would need enough memory on the device to declare a variable for every sensor, and let's face it, Arduino is pretty limited in that area. I'm currently using telnet to accomplish collection using a script; the arduino loops through the collected temperature sensors and values printing them to the open telnet session where they are picked up by the server followed by an EOF string to signal there is no more data for that round of collections. As we know, loop variables are reused so this doesn't create a memory issue.

I'd love to hear your input on this and any ideas you have to work around the issue.

Thanks, -Jared

marcoschwartz commented 3 years ago

Hi Jared, interesting issue - is it important to have at some point the data actually stored on the board as a variable? If not, you could just publish them as event to the aREST cloud server, therefore not needed any memory space on the board. Let me know if this is something that would work for you!