marcoschwartz / aREST_UI

Embedded UI for the aREST framework
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Two New Classes - Pulse and Wireless #10

Open infinityab opened 8 years ago

infinityab commented 8 years ago

Two new classes proposed, Pulse and Wireless.

Pulse command - to generate a pulse on the relay for a settable delay, say 1 second. This would be used to trigger Air Conditioners that just require a momentary button push. Typically (and I've done this) an extension lead is added to the low voltage ON/OFF of the aircon and the pulse command will trigger it on or off - extremely useful for auto control. Typical pulse command might be : http:// ip address / pulse / 2 / 1 - 2 is port# and 1 (on) can be ignored as actually ON/OFF.

Wireless command - this is a new idea which I've not seen anywhere else to create a wireless cell structure to switch the cheap commercial (315/433Mhz) Wireless sockets ON/OFF essentially by aRest WiFi command.

As there will be a number of WiFi clients dotted around the house controlling various appliances it seems a good idea to marry the WiFi and Wireless together. So any Wifi point can optionally act as a Wireless relay point as well thus creating a Wireless Cell structure within the house (wireless range can be very hit and miss). A 315/433Mhz transmitter module ($1 and stamp sized) is added to a port on the ESP8266 or Arduino. The Wifi Wireless command is received and indexed to the correct message and output to the transmitter. The wireless messages will have been pre-identified and stored using RCSwitch software. Typical application is auto control of portable heaters, lamps, fans or anything that has a plug. There is no error condition if a wireless device is not connected or plugged in as it is only a one-way transmission. And it works! Typical Wireless command might be : http:// ip address / wireless / 21/ 1 or 0 - wireless device offset with +20 to avoid clash with ESP port numbers