marcoslucianops / DeepStream-Yolo

NVIDIA DeepStream SDK 7.0 / 6.4 / 6.3 / 6.2 / 6.1.1 / 6.1 / 6.0.1 / 6.0 / 5.1 implementation for YOLO models
MIT License
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how to add nvidia tracker to it #448

Closed EscaticZheng closed 10 months ago

EscaticZheng commented 10 months ago

I try to add [tracker] group in deepstream_app_config.txt, but it can't display id on screen. Also I don't know why no label.


deepstream_app_config.txt: [application] enable-perf-measurement=1 perf-measurement-interval-sec=5

[tiled-display] enable=1 rows=1 columns=1 width=1280 height=720 gpu-id=0 nvbuf-memory-type=0

[source0] enable=1 type=3 uri=file:///home/jetson/Videos/1/2/3/31.mp4 num-sources=1 gpu-id=0 cudadec-memtype=0

[source1] enable=1 type=3 uri=rtsp://admin:123456@ num-sources=1 gpu-id=0 cudadec-memtype=0

[sink0] enable=1 type=2 sync=0 gpu-id=0 nvbuf-memory-type=0

[tracker] tracker-width = 640 tracker-height = 384 enable = 1 gpu-id= 0 ll-lib-file = /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.2/lib/ ll-config-file = /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-6.2/samples/configs/deepstream-app/config_tracker_IOU.yml enable-past-frame = 1 enable-batch-process = 1 display-tracking-id = 1

[osd] enable=1 gpu-id=0 border-width=5 text-size=15 text-color=1;1;1;1; text-bg-color=0.3;0.3;0.3;1 font=Serif show-clock=0 clock-x-offset=800 clock-y-offset=820 clock-text-size=12 clock-color=1;0;0;0 nvbuf-memory-type=0

[streammux] gpu-id=0 live-source=0 batch-size=1 batched-push-timeout=40000 width=1920 height=1080 enable-padding=0 nvbuf-memory-type=0

[primary-gie] enable=1 gpu-id=0 gie-unique-id=1 nvbuf-memory-type=0



[tests] file-loop=0

marcoslucianops commented 10 months ago

In the deepstream-app, when you have more than one source, you need to click in each camera in the grid, with the mouse (left click to expand and right click to back to the grid), to expand the output of the camera and see the labels.