error: ‘class nvinfer1::IBuilder’ has no member named ‘getLogger’ nvinfer1::IRuntime* runtime = nvinfer1::createInferRuntime(*builder->getLogger()); #584
My platform and env:
Jetson 4.6, Ubuntu==16.04, CUDA==10.2, Deepstream==6.0.1 Tensorrt==8.0.1
And I am using your latest repo.
How can I solve that problem?
Hi there! When I am following your guidance of deploying YOLOV5s model, when I run
It gives the error
My platform and env: Jetson 4.6, Ubuntu==16.04, CUDA==10.2, Deepstream==6.0.1 Tensorrt==8.0.1 And I am using your latest repo. How can I solve that problem? Thanks