marcosnils / bin

Effortless binary manager
MIT License
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Provide a cli command to download the latest release of the `bin` directly #192

Open MurzNN opened 3 months ago

MurzNN commented 3 months ago

Now in the readme, we have a recommendation to Download the bin from the releases page manually.

But for some users, and especially for automation in scripts, it's good to have a CLI command to do this directly, better as a one-liner.

marcosnils commented 3 months ago

SGTM! Any chance you'd like to open a PR for it? I can take care of uploading the script somewhere afterwards

MurzNN commented 3 months ago

I invented a not-one-lined script that does this:



LATEST_RELEASE=$(curl -s$URL/releases/latest)
TAG_NAME=$(echo $LATEST_RELEASE | jq -r '.tag_name' | cut -c 2-)

DOWNLOAD_URL=$(echo $LATEST_RELEASE | jq -r '.assets[] | select(.name | startswith("'"$FILENAME"'")) | .browser_download_url')

curl -s -L -o bin $DOWNLOAD_URL
chmod +x ./bin

It's complex because the release binary has the version name in the filename. If it be something static like just bin_linux_amd64 - it would be much easier to download by just like:

curl -s -L -o bin
MurzNN commented 3 months ago

One more example here:

   curl -LO "$(curl -L -s"
korpa commented 3 months ago

It's complex because the release binary has the version name in the filename. If it be something static like just bin_linux_amd64 - it would be much easier to download by just like:

curl -s -L -o bin

I really would like to see this version. @marcosnils: Any chance to remove the version from the filename?