marcosnils / bin

Effortless binary manager
MIT License
640 stars 44 forks source link

feature: implement hooks #195

Open pale3 opened 2 months ago

pale3 commented 2 months ago

I would like to compile and install specific package from source, so what i need here is from bin to download source as it is doing now and extract all content to its own directory, then execute E.g ./autoreconf --install; ./configure --prefix .... check return status and let bin to pick binary. Last part may not be needed as i could just do cp to some location in execute step above

As currently bin install stuff to default .local/bin, it may be required to change this behavior to still have .local/bin but with actual symlinks pointed to binary on some E.g ./local/share/bin/repos//bin. This may be needed just to not clutter ~/.local/bin