marcosnils / cmt

Container migration tool
MIT License
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ssh: must specify HostKeyCallback in dst #13

Open sourav295 opened 6 years ago

sourav295 commented 6 years ago


[root@node02 mycontainer]# runc --version runc version 1.0.0-rc4+dev commit: e6516b3d5dc780cb57a976013c242a9a93052543 spec: 1.0.0

GO go version go1.9.2 linux/amd64


[root@node02 mycontainer]# cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)

CMT [root@node02 mycontainer]# $GOBIN/cmt --version cmt version 0.1

Passwordless ssh

[root@node02 mycontainer]# [root@node02 mycontainer]# ssh node01 Last login: Thu Jan 18 17:55:53 2018 from node02 [root@node01 ~]# exit logout Connection to node01 closed.

SSH agent Followed this website for ssh agent

Error [root@node01 mycontainer]# $GOBIN/cmt migrate --src pwd --dst root@node02:/root/mycontainer 2018/01/18 18:09:18 Performing validations 2018/01/18 18:09:18 Connection error: ssh: must specify HostKeyCallback in dst [root@node01 mycontainer]#

[root@node01 mycontainer]# $GOBIN/cmt validate --src pwd --dst root@node02 2018/01/18 18:10:59 Connection error: ssh: must specify HostKeyCallback in dst

Could you please help me fix this?

farooqte96 commented 6 years ago

Hi dear @sourav295

I dont think i have answer for you question, but can you tell me how you use this cmt tool. I am able to install runc and criu but cmt commands are not working? Thanks

go get netcom1@cloudlet1:/cmt$ ls bin pkg src test netcom1@cloudlet1:/cmt/src/$ ls cmd cmt.go iptables LICENSE migrate validate

netcom1@cloudlet1:~/cmt/src/$ cmt --help No command 'cmt' found, but there are 18 similar ones cmt: command not found

tonyliu666 commented 2 weeks ago

Hello, I have the same issue here. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? in my situation, both machines can ssh with each other. I don't know what exactly this error from.

[updated] I found a way to fix this problem is that you can go into the cmd folder and edit the ssh.go file. Like this: func NewSSH(user, host string) *SSHCmd { c := SSHCmd{} c.config.User = user chunks := strings.Split(host, ":") = chunks[0] c.config.HostKeyCallback=ssh.InsecureIgnoreHostKey() return &c }. add this c.config.HostKeyCallback=ssh.InsecureIgnoreHostKey() line in the NewSSh function. Then, recompile the whole project with the command go build -o cmt cmt.go then fix it.