marcosvidal / Sketch-Notebook

Sketch Plugin to make documenting design easier
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Add security to your website (FIXED) #105

Closed hellais closed 7 years ago

hellais commented 7 years ago

This plugin seems to do what I need. I would like to buy it, but your website is not in HTTPS and it's asking for my credit card information and transmitting it in plaintext.

If you are requesting people to enter credit card information, you should have your site support HTTPS. Seriously there is no reason not do to so in this day and age, where you can even get free SSL certificates from something like

Edit: it seems like your site is actually loading a form from this site: If you don't want to add SSL to your site, then at the bare minimum redirect them to that site when they are about to make the purchase.

marcosvidal commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your feedback @hellais The connection to the purchase process was always with https conections. And now the whole site uses it as well.