I've recently started using LIME to understand some of the classifications of a keras model, however I'm struggling to understand how the TabularExplainer can give me some interpretable explanations when I provide it with data that is pre-scaled.
My data consists of both numerical and categorical features. I one hot encode the categorical features and the entirety of the dataset is then scaled using sklearn standard scaler. My model is trained on this scaled data and I provide the explainer with the scaled data for both train and test.
Is there a way to pass a fitted scaler to explainer in such a way that I possibly could inverse_transform? Or have I misinterpreted the mechanics of LIME in some way?
I've recently started using LIME to understand some of the classifications of a keras model, however I'm struggling to understand how the TabularExplainer can give me some interpretable explanations when I provide it with data that is pre-scaled.
My data consists of both numerical and categorical features. I one hot encode the categorical features and the entirety of the dataset is then scaled using sklearn standard scaler. My model is trained on this scaled data and I provide the explainer with the scaled data for both train and test.
Is there a way to pass a fitted scaler to explainer in such a way that I possibly could inverse_transform? Or have I misinterpreted the mechanics of LIME in some way?