I have another question:
I would like to add that I am a total newbie in webpack so I barely have any idea on how it works...
I am trying to integrate multiple template in my application, so I would need to have some kind of template loader to inject into the Component() decorator.
I have another question: I would like to add that I am a total newbie in webpack so I barely have any idea on how it works...
I am trying to integrate multiple template in my application, so I would need to have some kind of template loader to inject into the Component() decorator.
I have found this project: https://www.npmjs.com/package/gulp-ng2-template-wrap
But your boilerplate doesn't work with gulp, so I am not sure how to integrate it or if there is some classy way to have that woking with webpack.
Thanks for your boilerplate btw, it helped a lot!!!