marcovirgolin / gpg

Re-implementation of GP-GOMEA that attempts to be simpler to understand and use than the original.
MIT License
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Parallelization #4

Open marcovirgolin opened 1 year ago

marcovirgolin commented 1 year ago

Would be great to have the possibility to run gpg in parallel.

Probably the best way is to use omp and its pragma's.

Things that can be parallelized:

Note that the computational bottlenecks are in reversed order w.r.t. the list just given (generating offspring, which includes fitness evaluation, is the most expensive).

marcovirgolin commented 1 year ago

It is furthermore important to check that there will be no problem with RNG: it's OK if we have to sacrifice reproducibility (when > 1 thread is used), but NOT OK if different threads generate the same random numbers.