marcozaccari / markdown-diagrams-browser-extension

A browser extension for Chrome, Edge, Opera and Firefox that renders markdown diagrams and charts code blocks into preview images.
MIT License
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GitGraph display error with more than 8 branchs #8

Open mbl-35 opened 1 year ago

mbl-35 commented 1 year ago

Hi @marcozaccari ,

Thanks for this browser integration, very usefull !! It looks like the GitGraph used version does not support more than 8 branches;

Non working example:

   commit id: "initial commit"
   branch devel
   branch qa-deploy
   branch dev-deploy
   checkout devel
   branch feature/xyz
   commit id: "xyz done"
   checkout dev-deploy
   merge feature/xyz
   commit id: "alpha testing"
   checkout feature/xyz
   commit id: "bugfix"
   checkout qa-deploy
   merge feature/xyz
   commit id: "beta testing"
   checkout devel
   merge feature/xyz
   commit id: "xyz merged into devel"
   branch release/v1.0.0
   commit id: "v1.0.0 release log updated" tag: "v1.0.0"
   checkout main
   merge release/v1.0.0
   commit id: "v1.0.0 production release"
   checkout devel
   merge release/v1.0.0
   commit id: "v1.0.0 production release"
   branch bugfix/xyz
   commit id: "xyz bugfix"
   checkout dev-deploy
   merge bugfix/xyz
   commit id: "bugfix alpha test"
   checkout qa-deploy
   merge bugfix/xyz
   commit id: "bugfix beta test"
   checkout devel
   merge bugfix/xyz
   commit id: "xyz bugfix merged"
   branch release/v1.0.1
   commit id: "v1.0.1 release log updated" tag: "v1.0.1"
   checkout main
   merge release/v1.0.1
   commit id: "v1.0.1 production release"
   checkout devel
   merge release/v1.0.1
   commit id: "v1.0.1 production release"
   checkout main
   branch hotfix/v1.0.2
   commit id: "v1.0.2 hotfix" tag: "v1.0.2"
   checkout main
   merge hotfix/v1.0.2
   commit id: "v1.0.2 production release"
   checkout devel
   merge hotfix/v1.0.2
   commit id: "v1.0.2 hotfix merge"
   branch feature/abc
   commit id: "abc done"

Moreover, GitGraph example in your gitlab repo is broken for now. Could you have a look ? Thanks