marcreichel / igdb-laravel

Simplify the integration of the IGDB API into your Laravel app. Including IGDB webhook support.
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Search using Company model always returns empty set. #18

Closed paishin closed 4 years ago

paishin commented 4 years ago

I have tried searching on companies endpoint using the Company Model with no success. I am using the exact same code I use for searching games but I always get an empty collection.

$companies = Company::search('SEGA')->get();

Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?

marcreichel commented 4 years ago

Companies are not searchable sadly. See for reference.

Only the following endpoints are searchable:

PiousVenom commented 3 years ago

Okay, I've got another question that's similar. I'm trying to find the manufacturer of a platform:

$plats = Platform::search('Xbox')->with(['versions', 'versions.companies', ''])->get();

But none of that shows the main_manufacturer that is listed in the docs for Platform Version ([docs](endpoint: platform_versions)). Nor does the company show a name as the docs show ([endpoint: companies] Am I missing something with this?

Thanks for your help.

EDIT: UGH! Sorry about putting the question here. I meant to reply to my other post, not necro this one.

marcreichel commented 3 years ago

@PiousVenom This seems to be a problem with the API itself. The data is not returned by the API either if you call it directly.

Try calling the following (via Postman for example) with your Client-ID and access token:


fields *,versions.*,versions.companies.*,*,versions.main_manufacturer.*;
search "Xbox";

It seems you found some data inconsistencies between and the API. Because shows a manufacturer (even if without a "real" name because the name seems to be just the ID) but the API does not return a company which has manufacturer set to true or a main_manufacturer.

What is more the API only returns data if it is filled. So if there is no name for a company it is not returned at all.

Try reaching out to the guys at IGDB (via their Discord for example). They may sort you out and can check why the data is missing in the API. If I remember correctly they have some sort of sync job between the data on the website and the API. Maybe there is a problem and therefore the data is missing in the API.

PiousVenom commented 3 years ago

Thanks. I've reached out on Discord. Wonder how long it's been an issue...