Using the install method described on the most recent docker image gives you the following errors:
bash-5.0# pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Collecting voluptuous==0.11.5
Downloading voluptuous-0.11.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl (27 kB)
ERROR: simplisafe-python 9.0.7 has requirement aiohttp<4.0.0,>=3.6.2, but you'll have aiohttp 3.6.1 which is incompatible.
ERROR: simplisafe-python 9.0.7 has requirement pytz<2020.0,>=2019.3, but you'll have pytz 2020.1 which is incompatible.
ERROR: simplisafe-python 9.0.7 has requirement voluptuous<0.12.0,>=0.11.7, but you'll have voluptuous 0.11.5 which is incompatible.
ERROR: pymysensors 0.18.0 has requirement pyserial>=3.4, but you'll have pyserial 3.1.1 which is
ERROR: homeassistant 0.109.6 has requirement voluptuous==0.11.7, but you'll have voluptuous 0.11.5 which is incompatible.
Installing collected packages: voluptuous
Attempting uninstall: voluptuous
Found existing installation: voluptuous 0.11.7
Uninstalling voluptuous-0.11.7:
Successfully uninstalled voluptuous-0.11.7
Successfully installed voluptuous-0.11.5.
Using the install method described on the most recent docker image gives you the following errors:
(image: homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant:stable)