Open mayacr86 opened 9 years ago
1) There is currently no task to only create the staging directory with the Dockerfile. But you can create your own task that creates a Dockerfile and runs DefaultDockerfileProcessor(dockerfile, stagingDirectory)
2) You can change the staging directory by setting target in docker
, for example target in docker := "docker"
I tried doing this, but am not seeing the Dockerfile show up. Any idea? I've got a taskKey[Unit]() defined and the definition has this inside:
someTask := { ...
val dockerDir = target.vaule / "docker"
val dockerFile = new sbtdocker.mutable.Dockerfile {
add(artifact, artifactTargetPath)
entryPoint("java","-jar", artifactTargetPath)
sbtdocker.staging.DefaultDockerfileProcessor(dockerFile, dockerDir)
... more stuff ...
someTask <<= someTask.dependsOn(compile in Compile, dockerfile in docker)
but when I run my task I don't see the docker file being created, am I missing something to actually generate the file?
Nevermind, figure'd out how to do it. For anyone else:
IO.write(dockerDir / "Dockerfile", sbtdocker.staging.DefaultDockerfileProcessor(dockerFile, dockerDir).instructionsString)
should do the trick within the task. But +1 for having this be a build step that one can hook into, it'd be useful
A :+1: from me here. We use gcloud for our Docker stuff, which means that we need to build and push our Docker images manually (we need to pull the base image and push the final image using gcloud commands). Being able to generate the directory and Dockerfile easily would be super helpful for us.
:+1: here too.
For others stumbling here, a more complete example (without any kind of guarantee whatsoever, for when you use sbt assembly) :
val dockerFileTask = taskKey[Unit]("Prepare the dockerfile and needed files")
dockerFileTask := {
val dockerDir = target.value / "docker"
val artifact: File = assembly.value
val artifactTargetPath = s"/app/${}"
val dockerFile = new Dockerfile {
add(artifact, artifactTargetPath)
entryPoint("java", "-jar", artifactTargetPath)
val stagedDockerfile = sbtdocker.staging.DefaultDockerfileProcessor(dockerFile, dockerDir)
IO.write(dockerDir / "Dockerfile",stagedDockerfile.instructionsString)
stagedDockerfile.stageFiles.foreach {
case (source, destination) =>
dockerFileTask <<= dockerFileTask.dependsOn(compile in Compile, dockerfile in docker)
And then just run sbt dockerFileTask
Using Wercker to build the Dockerfile, I also need that feature since I'm not able to properly run docker inside a (dedicated) Docker image started by Wercker...
I'm hitting this, too, but I struggled to integrate @nicolasdalsass's suggestion into my project, which has several subprojects. I finally managed to get it to kinda work, barebones copied here:
lazy val `dfp-services` = (
project in file(".")
enablePlugins GitVersioning
settings noPublishing
lazy val `dfp-common` = (
project in file("dfp-common")
enablePlugins GitVersioning
settings common ++ publishAsLibrary
crossScalaVersions := Seq(middleTierScalaVersion),
libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe.scala-logging" %% "scala-logging" % "3.5.0",
libraryDependencies += "" % "ads-lib" % "4.5.0",
libraryDependencies += "" % "dfp-axis" % "4.5.0",
libraryDependencies += "org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-xml" % "1.0.6",
libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe" % "config" % "1.3.1",
libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test
lazy val dockerFileTask = taskKey[Unit]("Prepare the dockerfile and needed files")
lazy val `dfp-init-stream` = (
project in file("dfp-init-stream")
enablePlugins GitVersioning
enablePlugins DockerPlugin
settings common ++ noPublishing
dependsOn `dfp-init`
dependsOn `dfp-common`
settings (
resolvers += "cakesolutions-bintray" at "",
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
// platform
"com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % "2.5.23" % Provided,
"com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-testkit" % "2.5.23" % Test,
"net.cakesolutions" %% "scala-kafka-client-akka" % kafkaVersion,
"net.cakesolutions" %% "scala-kafka-client-testkit" % kafkaVersion % Test,
"org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % scalatestVersion % Test,
// logging
"ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % logbackVersion
dockerfile in docker := {
// The assembly task generates a fat JAR file
val artifact: File = assembly.value
val artifactTargetPath = s"/app/${}"
new Dockerfile {
add(artifact, artifactTargetPath)
entryPoint("java", "-jar", artifactTargetPath)
dockerFileTask := {
val dockerDir = target.value / "docker"
val artifact: File = assembly.value
val artifactTargetPath = s"/app/${}"
val dockerFile = /*(dockerfile in docker).value*/
new Dockerfile {
add(artifact, artifactTargetPath)
entryPoint("java", "-jar", artifactTargetPath)
val stagedDockerfile = sbtdocker.staging.DefaultDockerfileProcessor(dockerFile, dockerDir)
IO.write(dockerDir / "Dockerfile", stagedDockerfile.instructionsString)
stagedDockerfile.stageFiles.foreach {
case (source, destination) =>
You'll notice that I tried to use the Dockerfile exposed by (dockerfile in docker).value
before copying it. I'd prefer to single-source the Dockerfile definition and do so in a way that a dev can continue to use sbt docker
locally while we can build just the Dockerfile in CI (business processes demand that we know exactly the content of the Dockerfile used and push through our own mechanisms).
This works for one run of sbt dfp-init-stream/dockerFileTask
, but subsequent runs error because the assembled jar is already present somewhere:
[error] java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException: /Users/colindean/dfp-services/dfp-init-stream/target/docker/0/dfp-init-stream-assembly-0.8.2-15-g831fe33-SNAPSHOT.jar
[error] at sun.nio.fs.UnixCopyFile.copy(
[error] at sun.nio.fs.UnixFileSystemProvider.copy(
[error] at java.nio.file.Files.copy(
[error] at sbtdocker.staging.CopyFile.copy(SourceFile.scala:31)
It looks like this copy shouldn't fail in this way if the file already exists. I'm reaching into the API to do all of this so I'm not sure that it's worth the effort to alter that copy call so that it would overwrite existing files.
@colindean Thanks for this full example it helped me to get to this:
lazy val dockerFileTask = taskKey[Unit]("Prepare the dockerfile and needed files")
dockerFileTask := {
val dockerDir = target.value / "docker"
val dockerFile = (docker / dockerfile).value
// docker / dockerfile supports native docker files which cannot be
// used to call the DefaultDockerfileProcessor
if (dockerFile.isInstanceOf[sbtdocker.DockerfileLike]) {
val stagedDockerfile =
sbtdocker.staging.DefaultDockerfileProcessor(dockerFile.asInstanceOf[sbtdocker.DockerfileLike], dockerDir)
IO.write(dockerDir / "Dockerfile", stagedDockerfile.instructionsString)
stagedDockerfile.stageFiles.foreach { case (source, destination) =>
// source.stage fails if the destination
// is a non-empty directory.
if (!destination.exists() || !destination.isDirectory()) {
As far as I can tell this works and you don't have to define your docker / dockerfile
more than once (assuming you don't use the NativeDockerFile
, at which point you don't need this task.
Hi! Couple of silly questions:
1) Is there a way to configure the plugin to just generate the dockerfile and the artifacts (all the .jar files under /target/docker) and not creating the image in my local machine (due to space limitations) whenever I run the "sbt docker" command?
2) Is there a way to change the default path of the artifacts "[app-root]/target/docker" to lets say, just "[app-root]/docker"?
Thanks :)