marcus-grant / infra

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Add role var selectable tarball install for dotfiles.neovim #31

Open marcus-grant opened 5 months ago

marcus-grant commented 5 months ago

Some linux distributions are way too far behind on tracking developments in neovim. It seems the easiest install isn't actually an appimage but tarball installations. Keep in mind that if you simply use when to skip the package install steps you'll miss out on the neovim_pkgs_extra or the extra packages to install relevant to neovim and they're often quite useful like fzf or tree-sitter. So ensure whatever changes you make to install via tarball you also install the extra packages.

marcus-grant commented 5 months ago

Helpful link to install via appimage, try it first before tarball it seems like it might actually be easier.

This ansible role should get you most of the way there.

marcus-grant commented 5 months ago

Before finishing re-open and check the neovim step in #29