marcussacana / MwareStuff

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Problems with video files #30

Closed TUsolfy closed 2 years ago

TUsolfy commented 2 years ago

Hello. There was a problem translating the game. The dx.npk file is a video file. Unpacking this file was successful. But when I repack this file, the video doesn't play in the game. Even if you repack the original unedited video file, it will not work properly in the game. Is there any way to solve this problem? I would like to add subtitles to this video. I will send you the file. The game is DRAMAtical Murder (Steam).

marcussacana commented 2 years ago

You will need copy the original video NPK settings, use this

Then with the parameter -dumptable the npk info will be dumped and you can analyze in the 010Editor, Usually the problem should be related with compression or the max section size

TUsolfy commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the reply. As you said, I opened the file with 010editer. I compared the original npk with the repacked npk, The difference is the sort order of video files and size of struct NPK3Entry Entry, Value of uint SegmentCount, The size of the struct NPKSegmentInfo SegmentsInfo.

When repacking the video folder, is it correct to enter the MS value in the options? I tried several combinations but it didn't solve the problem (-MS 0x11B5C -cp 1, -MS 0x13363 -cp 0 ...)


marcussacana commented 2 years ago

the original should have a 'max sector size', just look in the first entry of the sections and his 'AlignedSize' is our max section size that you can use the -MS parameter... Well, i'm not sure if is AlignedSize or RealSize, have a good time that I don't worked with this engine.

TUsolfy commented 2 years ago

I entered the value of uint AlignedSize or the sum of the sizes of all uint AlignedSizes, but the video file did not play. What mistakes have I made? 01

marcussacana commented 2 years ago

Nahh, my mistake, as I said, a good time without deal with this engine, try use the DecompressedSize value

marcussacana commented 2 years ago

by the way, you did wrong, isn't the 'size' that you must to copy, you need to look that 'value' column

marcussacana commented 2 years ago

sould be one of those values. image

TUsolfy commented 2 years ago

Thank you! The video file plays without any problems. I would not have been able to solve it by myself.