marcussacana / StringReloads

A tool to inject strings into a game using low level code
The Unlicense
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Question regarding string replacing #16

Closed Cosmi90 closed 1 year ago

Cosmi90 commented 1 year ago


Really nice tool, using it to change fonts was pretty straight forward and results were good.

However I've got another question, I'm currently working on a translation of a game which has menus built in the .exe file.

Now most of the menus I was able to translate through simple hex editing and resource hacker, but some of the strings are either not defined through resources or are not static and as such I was not able to replace them through hex editing.

This is an example: Capture

Can StringReloads be used to somehow translate these?


marcussacana commented 1 year ago

Legacy SRL maybe can be used for that, But this feature it was removed because I really didn't liked it, there are many windows functions that should be hooked to everything became translatable then the SRL support became just partially, therefore I just removed the feature to translate window forms. In any way, still possible do that by manually patching the game engine, but it will require a bit of Reverse Engenering skills to do that.

Cosmi90 commented 1 year ago

Got it, I was afraid that binary patching was the only way to accomplish this, unfortunately advanced things like reverse engineering and disassembling binaries is a little bit beyond my skill set.

But really thanks for your input :)