marcusss03 / Object-Oriented-Programming-Assessment-1

Card Program
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Code Reviews #1

Open marcusss03 opened 1 year ago

marcusss03 commented 1 year ago

Please leave the feedback reviews below :)

Thank you.

ProNewb commented 1 year ago

Overall nice implementation. The readability is excellent. The comments are clear and direct and there aren't too many. So your documentation is great.

There are several issues with error handling crashing out of the console. If instead of pressing enter at the start you type anything else you get a system format error and the program crashes out. This is an issue you could easily rectify by removing the need for user input at that point and just start by asking would you like to shuffle.

This is not an issue at the next stage where it asks do you want to shuffle erroneous input reverts to the beginning of the program but it is an issue again when you select shuffle type which again if you type something other than what is expected it throws the input format error and crashes out. There are several ways this could be addressed either through try catch or you could limit the allowed input sending the user to main() if they do not enter an allowed input

The functionality is present and complete.

The other issues I noticed which may not be issues at all are you have not used some of the base code. For example you dont have a constructor for the pack class you have not used that method at all you have created your own. you have also changed the given variable list and used an array instead which you provide the functionality requested but i would be concerned as in the check list it does say is the base code implemented as part of the marking scheme so you may lose some marks. To me its semantics as your code runs beautifully but it would be remiss not to mention it.

You could use your test class as is move the main method to its original program class and call the test class from there as that would give you the base classes plus an extra class you have added.

The only real change i would make to functionality would be, perhaps remove the need to press enter to deal a card and just add a new line between each.

Great implementation overall I hope it scores well for you

billyvick commented 1 year ago

The code is very understandable and works well with no error messages.

The comments on your code make it very easy to follow what you are trying to do as well as keep everything neat and tidy.

An issue that I have found with your code is that you do not have a DealCard function which was part of the base code for the assignment. However, I see you have countered that by adding an algorithm on your testing page. Error handling could be better on testing as it closes the console rather than prompting a retry.

A change I would make to your code would be to add some error handling so that when a user enters something other than listed, it gives an error message and asks them to enter a valid input.
