mardatade / MarDATA-Block-Course-2020

Meta-repo for the MarDATA Block Course 2020 materials
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Contents for the intro course #1

Open willirath opened 4 years ago

willirath commented 4 years ago

This is the reader we sent to the workshop attendees in January:

Basic Python Introduction for the block course on Python ...

TLDR: This is all you need:

Why should I prepare before the workshop?

Working through the following materials (or having an equivalent level of Python experience) is a pre-requisite for successfully following the workshop. We will do a quick recap of the basics, but this alone won't be enough to get you up to speed if you start from zero.

When should I do this?


Where do I find the materials for the preparation?

There is a book on Earth and Environment Data Science that has all we need to get started:

What do I need to work through the course materials?

You need a web browser and an internet connection. For the interactive work, the internet connection needs to be stable (so working on an airplane might be difficult) but not necessarily high bandwidth (so a throttled airport WiFi is likely fine).

And you need an ORCID (, which is necessary to sign in to the cluster where all your preparation will be done. To get access, go to, click [Sign in via globus] and use your ORCID accout to authenticate.

If you're asked which image to use, please select the smallest one.

How do I try the examples?

Each part of the book that has code in it features a button labeled "". If you click this button, you'll be redirected to and it will be made sure that you have a copy of the text you just looked at. There, you can try and change whatever you like.

If you're asked which image to use, please select the smallest one.

What parts of the book do I need to read?

We expect that you know the Core Python basics. So you should read and try the Python Fundamentals and the Functions and Classes sections from The Core Python Language. [time: approx. 2 x 1 hour]

We also expect that you know about Numpy and Matplotlib, which are the foundation of virtually all of the scientific Python software stack. So you should read and play with the Numpy and Matplotlib sections from the Scientific Python Fundamentals chapter. [time: approx. 1 x 1 hour]

Please make sure to not get stuck with the details of these two fundamental parts. It is not realistic to completely understand or even retain everything on the first pass. Instead focus on getting the broad concepts and prepare to get back to details when you encounter these concepts more realistic settings at a later point in time.

As most of (y)our everyday work in data analysis is with high level tools, you should read Pandas Fundamentals from the High Level Data Analysis Frameworks chapter. [time: approx. 1 x 1 hour]

Who can I ask for help?


willirath commented 4 years ago

I'd, however, suggest to just point people to which has a proper binder link.